VR Skin, open Skin by default?

Special forum to share and discuss skins for Pano2VR and Object2VR
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Posts: 10
Joined: Fri May 12, 2023 10:21 am

Hello Dear community!

Maybe I am overlooking something, but I could not find anything in the docs or forums so far:

Is it possible to enable the VR Skin by default in VR mode?
What I mean Is, I do not want to "klick" on the floating open menu button above my head in VR mode, I want the skin to be visible as soon as I enter VR mode.

Is that somehow possible?

If not, is it possible to customize or style this skin show button somehow?

Thanks a lot for any help on this!

Kind regards,
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Hi Andreas,
It is not currently possible to enter VR immersive mode with the menu open.
And currently, you can not change the menu icons within Pano2VR, however, this is on the to-do list, however...
Once you have created the output and you are happy with it you can open the webxr folder and swap out the SVG images.
The next time you generate the output it will overwrite the images hence why only do this when you are happy with the output.

Also, not all SVG images work, as a test, I used the SVG images found in the components toolbox, selected the category Material, and selected Icons.
Right button click to open the icons directory, then copy the required icons to the webxr folder and rename them.
Please see the test SVG images attached.
(1.33 KiB) Downloaded 236 times
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Joined: Fri May 12, 2023 10:21 am

Hello Hopki,
thanks as always for the fast response!

That is a bit of a bummer but great to hear that it's on the todo list! I am already pretty happy about the VR Skins in general but as you mentioned I have been struggling with making SVGs visible there. Hope to hear more in the future!

Thanks a lot!
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