Action on pinned image...

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I would like to add an action (open another image at the same time) to a pinned image; is that possible ?
Otherwise, how could I trigger a pinned image with an action in a hotspot? the pinned image id does'nt even appear in the list of targets in the action settings.


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Hi Philippe,
Add your pinned image first.
Then you can add a poly hotspot top cover it.
You can then use a hotspot Proxy ID to a container to activate actions.
Also you can add a mouse click, media, activate media, activate, enter the ID of the image.
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Hello Hopki,

Thanks for your response. I’ve created a poly hotspot (all settings left by default : ID (poly01) - type (url) - title - target url - target - color) but there is no way to put it on top of pinned image; no z-index field; it remains below. I’ve added a shift in order to be able to click on it.
Then I’ve created a container (either empty, or also with a hotspot in it), added the ID of the poly hotspot (Poly01) in advanced section... but it doesn’t work. Only the pinned image when I click on it but clicking on the poly hotspot doesn’t trigger the pinned image.
Maybe I've missed something, but I can't see which one.


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Hi Philippe,
This works for me, you must add the pinned image first, then add the poly hotspot.
In the list view you should see the pinned image at the top then the poly below it.
In the list view the last item will be added to the bottom of the list.
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Hi Hopki,

Many thanks, it works!
In fact, there is a problem when creating poly hotspots: they are often created on top of the list instead of the bottom. This means that the poly hotspot is above the pinned image in the scene, and when in use (i.e. when showing a painting on the wall), if the pinned image icon is just under the pinned image displayed, I can't close the image because the hotspot proxy is just under the pinned image: (I'm not sure to be very clear, sorry).

...Apart from that, the idea was to open and close simultaneously the pinned image and a 2nd image: this works fine for the opening but now I want to close the two displayed images by clicking in the pinned image. This works for the main image (it's the normal behaviour of pinned image) but it doesn't work for the second image as I can't put an action on the closing behaviour of the pinned image which seems to override any action I put on the picture.
So can I put any action on the closing behaviour of pinned image? If not, is there a workaround for that?


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Hi Hopki,
I did exactly as you mentioned above (pretty sure), and the Polygon Hotspot (active area) is still underneath Pinned Image (not working). I'm using a container in the skin, and added "Poly01" to the Hotspot Proxy ID (as instructed), with a URL action. The only part that works is the polygon overflow (outside of the pinned image area). Sorry but what am I doing wrong?
...I tried setting the Index, and also tried adding the Image Element ID to the Hotspot Proxy ID field (which I was hoping this would work, than using a polygon).

See example: (THP logo pinned in computer screen on desk).
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This should work, when I mouse over the image I see the tooltip so the polygon is active.
What you need to check.
1) look at the Polygon Hotspots ID, by default, these start off as Poly01, then Poly02 and so on as you add more.
You can rename the IDs if required.
2) Open the skin editor and add a container, in its Advanced properties you will see Hotspot Proxy ID, enter the Polygon hotspots ID in here to make the connection between the poly and the container.
You can now add mouse actions in eh container, Click, Enter, Leave, Over etc.
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Hey Hopki,

Yes I followed your instructions (best to my knowledge, and thank you), but couldn’t get the Polygon to index over the THP Logo (pinned image). I see that the “Tool Tip” was working over the pinned image (was good for sure), but not sure why the Polygon w/URL action was not clickable (over the “THP Logo”). The Polygon and Action were indeed working, but the Polygon was being trapped underneath the pinned Image Element.

I did another workaround, I added an “URL Hotspot”, instead of the Polygon, and placed it over the logo (which stays on top), and did some Skin adjustments, and this is working pretty good! …excepted the HOME (link) buttons on all of my websites do not work (in the Pop-Up internal Viewer - Online)??? …but the HOME (link) buttons in the Local Internal Browser do work??? I also added a container (child to URL Hotspot) over the EXIT sign (on side door), this work great too (simulating what I wanted to do) !

So I made things workable!, a bit confusing though! :)

The “Hotspot Proxy ID” is great, but still couldn’t do anything with the Image Property Element ID’s (like they don’t exist), even using a container in the Skin (as instructed)?

New Example Pano -
(you’ll notice in the “Stage” scene that the “Web Elements -Videos” (in FireFox) work properly, because they’re placed flat, not at an angle). …maybe not as well on smartphone though (need to do a responsive fix).

Thank you,
Tom H.
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Hi Tom,
This should work and does for projects so must be something odd going on.
Just checking you are using Pano2VR 6 pro?
Just tested Pano2VR 7 and yes the pinned image covers the polygon.
So use Pano2VR 6 pro for now if you want this feature.
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Hi Hopki,
Yes I’ve been using the new Pano2VR 7 (Pro), and have noticed many problems (unlike Pano2VR 6 Pro). I excepted there would be some issues (being it’s in Beta), but I couldn’t wait - ha!

I think I saved the Pano2VR 6 Pro download file, and I’ll go back to using that again until things get sorted out. Thank you for noticing the Polygon/pinned Image Element issue!
I’m looking forward to Pano2VR 7 again, hopefully soon!

Thank you Hopki,
Tom H.
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