Animation templates

Q&A about the latest versions
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Posts: 67
Joined: Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:44 pm

Hi Hopki

I have a project with a pretty intricate animation sequence across a single clip.

I want to use the same animation sequence on a different project and wondered if there was a way I'm not aware ot to copy and past keyframes across different projects?

At the moment I have to save the original project, reopen it and rename it but it then comes bundled with various StreetView settings etc I don't really need.

Would be very helpful to be able to save an load a set of keyframes etc as an animation template etc.

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Location: Layer de la Haye, Essex UK

In the following screenshot, Clip01 has an animation timeline and Clip02 does not.

Screenshot 2019-10-17 at 09.10.53.png
Screenshot 2019-10-17 at 09.10.53.png (59.37 KiB) Viewed 2119 times

1) Select Clip01, click on the timeline to give focus to the timeline, select all keyframes by using the keyboard shortcut, Control + A on Windows or Command + A on the Mac. Then keyboard shortcut Control + C on Windows or Command + C on the Mac to copy all the keyframes.

2) Select Clip02, make sure the timeline is in focus by clicking it. Then keyboard shortcut Control + V on Windows or Command + V on the Mac to paste the keyframes into Clip02 timeline.

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