How to escalate maintaining aspect ratio?

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A question related to v5 responsive design....

Are there ways to escalate a skin element (a container) based on the browser's width or height as a percent of those values but maintaining locked the original aspect ratio of that element?

I see that that is possible with external images using the "Content Scaling" options (none/min/max/vertical/horziontal and "Never Enlarge".... but I can't figure out how to implement a similar escalation for other type of elements.

Thanks in advance.
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Good question

Anybody care to enlighten us please
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Hi Guys,
This is in the bug tracker, however normally for responsive design you would not scale you would have fixed size elements that show and hide at different screen sizes. This way you show the element the size it should be so keeping the best quality.
Example a JPG image scaled down will look bad, but not as bad as a JPG scaled up beyond its original size.
Of course if your not scaling too much then this is a quicker solution when building the skins.
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Hopki, thanks for your reply. When you say it is in the bug tracker....means that is a bug or that is a pending enhancement (a to be developed thing)?

Regarding the escalation of all my skins (specially the floor plan ones) I always scale down....and that works very well.
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Hi Arturo,
Its in as a feature request.
Scaling depends on the starting image size, example scaling a jpg button will soon look awful.
Scaling a larger image will be able to scale more before it starts to look bad.

Generally speaking responsive layouts be it for skins or websites would have different sized images for each screen size.
SVG's can be resized but then they need to be repositioned.
The skin editor can preview at different screen sizes so you can see what it looks like while your building.
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