Pano2QTVR 1.5.0 beta 5 released

Specific Q&A about the new Flash export
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Joined: Sat Sep 30, 2006 9:06 pm

The 'b' version still reports rev. 'a' in the title bar.

trivial? perhaps.

although, while debugging actionscript, i sure did think i may have the wrong version and hence the inability to accomplish some tasks (ie functions not carrying over into my swf file).
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Chief Gnome
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The 'a' is because the GUI didn't change, only the command line processor. I am currently debugging all this issues + I will provide FLA file, but this will take some time.... please be patient. It will not happen before tomorrow (its 1:00 am here)
MfG, Thomas
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Psshhh... Patience is for wussies.


Andras, you beat me to the punch on that one; Alas, I was in an 18+ hour shoot (not my choice), so couldn't get to the wireless connection to say 'hey!'. Talk about patience.

Thomas: Because of this shoot, I've scratched the surface of Object creation via P2Q -- Sweet! It IS a one-stop-shop.

No problems so far with the new beta a la Parallels.. Just speed.

Now, if I'd only gotten a Macbook Pro instead of just a Macbook. <sigh>

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When the new beta version with object flash publish function come out?
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Chief Gnome
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All the bugs from this thread should be fixed in beta 6 see ... c.php?t=62
MfG, Thomas