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Tour in facebook

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:12 pm
by rdsinform
Good afternoon, I saw this topic that teaches put a virtual tour on facebook. I followed the steps, but the tour will not appear on the timeline. The link I'm using usually appears in the browser.


My link: ... index.html

following attachment

Re: Tour in facebook

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 4:25 am
by JimWatters
The URL in the meta data that facebook uses has an extra folder in the path. ... /[s]Museu/[/s]Museu-FLASH.swf ... -FLASH.swf

Try updating the path in html5 | html output

Re: Tour in facebook

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 3:16 pm
by rdsinform
It's not working Jim, not with .swf and not with html. With html, when I give play, the post is all white and does not charge.

Re: Tour in facebook

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 5:13 pm
by 360Texas
If you fix the path issue and it still is only viewing a white screen then

Maybe try Purging your browser cache to force the browser to get the new download from the server

You did not mention which browser you are using so maybe your browser does not have the Flash plugin or older browsers are not yet HTML5 content aware.

Re: Tour in facebook

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 6:15 pm
by Hopki
Hi rdsinform,
Have a look at theTip document and see if this helps.
Try following the tip then once you know you can upload ok, then try a droplet.

Re: Tour in facebook

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:21 pm
by rdsinform
hi guys, I think I found the problem, I do not have a secure site (ssl) so I can not post. Does anyone know of an alternative.

thank you


Re: Tour in facebook

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 6:16 am
by JimWatters
Your example still has the wrong path. Remove the extra /Museu from the path on the HTML tab and reoutput and uplaod.
or more the pano to /museu/Museu/ on the web server.

It is stored on a https site so it looks right.

Facebook will cache pages for weeks. If you make changes to a page you need to force Facebook to re scrape your page.
Use this debugging tool. It will also help identify problems you may have.

Re: Tour in facebook

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 2:21 pm
by Egami
Thanks for the tip, it is cool...i give it a try and it worked fine with me.
Is there a way to increase the window size in Facebook or letting the panorama to open in a new page like the other media posted in Facebook do (image and videos) ? my splash screen block the whole window in the Facebook, also there is no way to stop playing it except by refreshing the page (if auto rotation enabled)

best regard

Re: Tour in facebook

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 9:16 pm
by JimWatters
If you don't specify a secure site then Facebook will not play inside timeline.
You can make a special Flash output that will get played inside Facebook that has UI designed for a small window. Add a logo that opens to your website.

Re: Tour in facebook

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 1:39 am
by 360Texas
The World Wide Panorama .org now seems to be displaying linked panoramas from this last event "Weather /Climate" on Facebook.

Ours is down the list "Weather Station Part 1 and Part 2.

Click the FB single image (link back to the non secure WWP site) for that particular panorama which opens with a new browser tab.

Re: Tour in facebook

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 3:55 pm
by Egami
The path I specified is in secure host, it works fine in the timeline, screen print of how it looks in Facebook is attached, is this what supposed to get ? or I'm missing something
I have noticed the following:-
* The link above the picture opens the panorama in a new tab
* Play button opens the panorama in the timeline but not in a new tab ,not like the other media in facebook eg images and videos, i wished if this is possible because the size of the
window is bigger in the new tab
* Share buttons is absent

The way WWP linking their panos looks different

best regard

Re: Tour in facebook

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 5:31 pm
by Hopki
The screen shot looks fine.
The play button when clicked will display the flash version in the time line.
The link will open up a new page or tab, I guess this will depend if you browser opens a new page in a tab or new window.

Buttons not displaying, this will probably be down to anchoring.
With the Pano2VR embed get you can specify the a Flash output that will be used in the Facebook time line. This can have a cut down skin.
Here is an example I made FaceBook Post.
Once I copied in the URL and Facebook added the preview picture I deleted the URL text hence why you don't see it in this example.
Also you see all the buttons as they were all anchored bottom right of the skin editors window.
Leaving the URL text would probably be better for mobile users.

Re: Tour in facebook

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:23 am
IMHO. Today I do not see any reason to use this concept - placing live panoramas within the timeline.
Maybe this was relevant 3-4 years ago...
and I removed "all Flash" and can not see anything and did not even going to try to watch these posts...
Actual publication to social - this is the just posting with linked thumbs