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wordpress not showing hotspots using plugin

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 2:09 pm
by linkaran17
in Wordpress my pano's do not show hotspots in chrome and ie both on mac and pc (win8)

it Works well when viewed in safari on I pad and iphone. I work on a mac, osx 10.10.2

I tried writing the ggpkg file into different folder structures, also its default but none of these attempts leads to showing the hotspots.
tried a fresh wordpress install without the exotic theme's and plugins involved no effect ..
Also tried assigning different skins but nothing seems to work out..
On my testpage there are several pano's and none of them showing the hotspots..

Please help, it is driving me crazy after a day and night trail and error session..
..dont know what to try next..

Re: wordpress not showing hotspots using plugin

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 3:37 pm
by Hopki
I have moved this post to the CMS forum as this not an Object2VR issue.

I see you are using the default png (red dot).
It has always been the practice that if you have a skin you should also have a hotspot template and hotspot image.

The simplex skin comes with a hotspot template and image, for testing select the Simplex skin and publish.
You can also copy the hotspot template from the Simplex skin and add it to your own.

However I have also tested without a skin and have found the same problem so I have added to the CMS bug list.

Re: wordpress not showing hotspots using plugin

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 9:47 pm
by linkaran17
Did not realize hotspot template should be altered with your own. I assumed the default skin templates would suit the primary needs.
but your reply made me see mor clearly now... hotspots in my floorpan project are visible in chrome and ie

I tried to view the wordpress testpage on an ipad 2 and the browser crashed when attempting to view the first pano on my testpage

Anyway, I am aware of this now and will follow the common workflow...


Re: wordpress not showing hotspots using plugin

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 11:18 pm
by Hopki
Use HTML5 multi resolution to stop the browsers crashing.
iPad logical screen size: 1024 x 768 so make sure you have a level around this size.

