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Use case for Object2VR? – 2

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 9:57 am
by ffurger
Here is a second use case I am considering.

Think of an old medieval city, consisting of a lot of narrow streets (10 - 15 m wide). The ground level is occupied by myriads of small shops of all kinds. The levels above may or may not be interesting from an architectural standpoint.

I'd like to implement a view of one such street so that a user can move along the street and turn left and right to look at the street shops. The vertical view is not primarily important.

I thought may be Object2VR could help: each side of the street would represent a partial view of an object with an infinite radius - hence I would take a series of pictures on a straight line, always at the same distance from the facade. I would have to do that twice, once for each street side. Not sure how I could then turn the view from left to right and vice versa.

Another option could be to shoot several partial panoramas (up to 90 degree left and 90 degree right) standing in the middle of the street and looking forward and joining them using the multi resolution feature, but I have no idea if this would work.

Any thought or additional suggestions would be much appreciated!
