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Pano2VR layers

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:05 am
by 360Texas

Subject: Progress bar display in Flash 9 compared to Flash 8

In Pano2VR, I used 1 stitched panorama and a common Splash page for the image for both Flash 8 and 9.

I like the progress bar because it shows progress while the .swf is downloading. Keeps the clients attention.

For some reason the Flash 8 version shows the progress bar and the Flash 9 does not show the progress bar.

Only item I can think of is the affect layering.

In flash 8 the progress bar is on top of the splash image.

In flash 9 the progress bar is active but UNDER the splash image and not visible.

Here are examples of 8 and 9 behavior.

Any ideas?

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:28 am
by thomas
uuuppppssss.... ok, I will fix that. The bar should be above the image.