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Pano2VR 4 not aligning on Firefox n Explorer

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:19 pm
by Affendy
Hi all,
my HTML5 with "Flash fall back" panos work Greatl in iOS, safari and chrome but they don't align correctly or just don't play in Firefox. Here's the link

Is it Pano2VR Beta 4 ? Do I have to redo the Flash version apart ?
Thanks for ur inputs


Re: Pano2VR 4 not aligning on Firefox n Explorer

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:27 pm
by smooth
Displays fine for me in Firefox and Opera on PC.
Is your Firefox browser up to date?

Regards, Smooth 8)

Re: Pano2VR 4 not aligning on Firefox n Explorer

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:04 pm
by Affendy
Hi Smooth, hmm No problem on mine ;-) but on some Firefox… they see only the bottom pix and some don't quite align on the seams ;-(
My panos have sort of parallax errors ! while they absolute have none.
Is it better to force "prefer flash when available" ? I never had that problem with my Flash panos on version 3.
I actually had this problem on my firefox when I output [ using Pano2VR 4 ] the HTML5 and Flash panos together with "Create All"
Doing it individually ; Create the Flash and HTML5 apart, did rectify the panos on my Firefox.

It works wonder though on ios devices ;-)

Best regards,

Re: Pano2VR 4 not aligning on Firefox n Explorer

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:08 pm
by Affendy
the misaligned seams : even on safari ;-(

Re: Pano2VR 4 not aligning on Firefox n Explorer

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:29 pm
by 360Texas
Using PC Vista, and IE 9

Yes I do see the alignment issue. The alignments appear to be along the cube face tile joins.

Just thinking .... Using Pano2vr 4b2 /multiresolution\ I remember seeing

Flash Output /multiresolution\ tab "Overlap: [x] 1 pixel overlap " I think it is selected as default setting

You might look at your project file and see if the 1 pixel overlap is enabled.

Re: Pano2VR 4 not aligning on Firefox n Explorer

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:33 pm
by Affendy
Hey Dave ;-) I'm not using Multiresolution. Just externalize panos due to the 5 scenes.
I'll try doing it your way.


Re: Pano2VR 4 not aligning on Firefox n Explorer

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:43 pm
by Bostjan
I have got same "puzzled" image on Firefox...

Re: Pano2VR 4 not aligning on Firefox n Explorer

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:45 pm
by Judy-A
I’m on Mac OS 10.6.8.

I see the tile misalignment in Opera. No problems in Firefox, Safari, or Chrome.


Re: Pano2VR 4 not aligning on Firefox n Explorer

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:08 am
by Affendy
Hello again. I'm trying out another option… or rather uncheck this option. I was too bold trying out things I don't understand well. ;-)
Might this be the problem ?

Re: Pano2VR 4 not aligning on Firefox n Explorer

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:18 am
by smooth
You are confusing issues.

Yes, I see the cube face alignment issue. But only when the Flash version is showing. It is NOT browser dependent, but Flash vs HTML5 :evil: versions.
You didn't make this clear in your original post.

Have you "externalized" the cube faces?
Second to that are the Flash cube faces and the HTML5 :evil: being called from the same directory or different directories?

This is starting to become a common issue where people are externalizing to the same named folder "images" with the same file names and one published output is overwriting the other.
Thus incorrect images are being called. Doesn't help that the GUI is defaulting to "images" the Flash version should default to something other than what the HTML5 :evil: defaults to.

On a personal side note: There is no way in the world would I make HTML5 :evil: the preference.

Regards, Smooth 8)

Re: Pano2VR 4 not aligning on Firefox n Explorer

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 7:17 am
by Judy-A
Affendy wrote:Hello again. I'm trying out another option… or rather uncheck this option. I was too bold trying out things I don't understand well. ;-)
Might this be the problem ?
Hi Affendy,

We are all looking forward to some comprehensive documentation. It would save a lot of trial and error.

Smart loading is used to load a project that was previously saved. It will load only the preview image, if one is present.

See this message by Thomas: ... 766#p29498
Pano2VR generates the preview images on startup, but only if they are not present (or older then the source image) and no multi res images. when you save the project you should have a input_image_name.preview.jpg next to your panorama image (if the save preview image is enabled in the settings). The next time you open Pano2VR it will check for the preview file and load it, if it is present, so there will not be a rescale. If you also enable "smart loading" in the setting it will not load the full image on startup, only when it is needed. With these two options you can open an old giga pixel project within a split second!

Re: Pano2VR 4 not aligning on Firefox n Explorer

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:34 am
by Affendy
Hi again & again, mea culpa ;-)
It wasn't thinking straight after 2 days of retrying. The thing is the panos errors are random. Some on Firefox and some on safari… be it OSX or Windows. Only iOS devices render the panos correctly ! ;-)

Ok here's my output folders image and my new test link. I have a fall back folder named Flash to keep things apart.
File output HTML5 & Flash [ fall back ] with multi res.
Interpolation filter : Lancos 2

Thanks all for the inputs. Appreciate lots ;-)

Re: Pano2VR 4 not aligning on Firefox n Explorer

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:45 am
by smooth
Your address:
Fails to find the Flash panorama. It is looking for cordes_out.swf which is NOT in this directory. Via a HTML5 :evil: enabled browser we see the HTML5 :evil: version.

This address shows your Flash file without alignment error: ... es_out.swf

You should name the cube faces different between the Flash and HTML5 :evil: versions. Otherwise you are likely to have browser "Cache" issues.

Regards, Smooth 8)

Re: Pano2VR 4 not aligning on Firefox n Explorer

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 11:11 am
by smooth
If you view (your original) Flash version within the HTML wrapper you get the alignment cube face error.

View the same Flash file without the HTML and there is no problem. ... es_out.swf

Regards, Smooth 8)

Re: Pano2VR 4 not aligning on Firefox n Explorer

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 11:19 am
by Affendy
Smooth. Thanks a mighty for checking up. I'm redoing my panos again ;-)