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Three more drop down menus

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:53 pm
by Hopki
I wanted to make a menu that would work well with the simplex skin so I decided to make it from the rectangle tool which means it is fully resizable.
I got a bit carried away and ended up making three skins in the end, all slightly different.

The dropdown_menu_simple.ggsk is the same as I posted here: ... =17&t=6990, but uses the rectangle tool rather than graphics. So the instructions from that post should help you work it out.
(136.71 KiB) Downloaded 27849 times
The second skin, dropdown_menu_simple_slide.ggsk just slides out from the side.
(136.74 KiB) Downloaded 27799 times
The third is a bit of a monster and a good grasp of the Skin Editor is needed, dropdown_menu_simple_expand.ggsk. It behaves like a web page menu, with drop down floors then sub boxes for the rooms on the floors.
(137.34 KiB) Downloaded 27810 times
This skin also uses regular expressions to hide the location circles of all the other rooms when a new room is selected.

All the skins work with flash and HTML5 outputs and was built using V3.1.2. They all stop any unnecessary reloads by covering the clicked location.

If you open External loaders with the menu you can switch between panoramas and objects.
(1.69 MiB) Downloaded 27799 times
This has the advantage that fullscreen works with both the panorama and the object.
This was made with Pano2VR and using using a blank/null panorama, 20 x 10px. Then the panorama and object were loaded by using the external SWF loader.

Re: Three more drop down menus

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:06 pm
by Shytsko
Hello! Thank you very much, everything works fine, very right drop-down menu.
Pete. :D

Re: Three more drop down menus

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:47 pm
by George Palov
Thank you Hopki, I haven't tried these, but they sure look nice!
Best, G

Re: Three more drop down menus

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:12 pm
by PostArt
Hi Hopki,

How do you get the object to open up in the pano skin? Im trying to implement this as a work around until the long standing issue of "open next pano" has been resolved in object2vr.



Re: Three more drop down menus

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 6:29 pm
by PostArt
Worked it out in some kind of way....not great.

once you click hideGallery, and choose to open another object you are forced to double click the thumbnail even thou I have not set this to occur. Why would this happen?

and secondly, when will "open next pano" work in object2vr? Getting real tired of waiting for this, its been months since I brought the issue up.

Re: Three more drop down menus

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 3:26 am
by sheltoan
Thank you for the wonderful templates, Hopki! They proved to be great for learning as well as useful for my tours!

I did run into a problem though. I used the expanded menu (with floors and rooms) and figured out how to properly add floors and rooms as needed. I am creating a Flash version for computers and a html5 version for iPad/iPhone (since "mouse enter/exit" doesn't work well for iOS). The Flash version works fine, and I need the html5 version to run as an app, so I've done all of the appropriate steps involved in consolidating the manifest files and adding the code for my custom icon.

The problem I am running into is how to link the panos in html in the menu actions. I can't use "go to url" since it will load a new skin and manifest for every url, so I assume I must use "open next panorama". Unfortunatley, every time I try, I get the "error loading panorama xml". I've tried pointing to the swf, the xml, and the html with no luck. My xml files have the format "$n_out.xml" as is default.

Any ideas? Is there more info needed? Please help, it's driving me nuts!

Re: Three more drop down menus

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:59 pm
by Hopki
In the cash manifest file have you included all the other images and xml files?
After downloading the cache manifest it will only load the files outlined in the manifest file.
If you have not included the next xml, it will simply say it can not find it even if it is on the server.

Re: Three more drop down menus

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:11 am
by sheltoan
Hmm...yes, I have double checked, and all of the manifest listings are included in the initial pano's manifest file. Any other ideas? Are there any files I can upload that might help?

Re: Three more drop down menus

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:37 pm
by Hopki
This should work with Open Next Panorama and using the SWF or XML file extension.
If you want you can send me your project, or just two nodes of it including the skin, I can then take a look at it.

Re: Three more drop down menus

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 7:13 pm
by Largo
I tried to modify this template and added more menu buttons. But there comes some problems.
1) I figgured out that one digit numbers not work with two digit numbers in regular expressions. For example you cant type 1-12, you must type 1-9/10-12
2) There is still problems with it. I don't know why, but it don't work with 1,2,10,11,12 menu buttons. I attach my template to this post.

Thanks in advance for any advices.

Re: Three more drop down menus

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:17 pm
by Hopki
With regular expressions 1 and 12 still contains 1 so will be the same thing.
You can use sub expressions, but the simplest thing to do is use single digits and numbers, example, a to z, then 0 to 9.

Re: Three more drop down menus

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:23 pm
by Largo
Thanks alot for quick reply.
My little advice is to add this info to this article ... e_elements
I spend half a day to resolve this little problem. :(

Re: Three more drop down menus

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:30 pm
by Hopki
Good idea, I will add some two digits/letters examples too.
Using two letters gives you more, as there are 26 letters opposed to 10 digits, 0 ~ 9.
Job for tomorrow afternoon.

Re: Three more drop down menus

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:41 pm
by Hopki

Re: Three more drop down menus

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:57 pm
by Harris
Any advice out there for a beginner with o2vr. I've been trying to link o2vr to p2vr but have virtually no knowledge of skins other than loading skins that already exist.
Without any real knowledge of the programme it's hard to know what I'm suppose to be doing even when reading the posts sent in. My knowledge goes as far as creating a panoVR and hotspots to link to another pano.
Object2vr hasn't gone any further than creating a 360.
How do I link them together so you can go from one to another ?
Are there any beginners out there that have found info that really helped, given lack of knowledge?

Hoping you can help :?