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AS3 loading fullscreen issue

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 4:51 pm
by shannonr
Hi there
Having had the nasty surprise of having to rewrite an application in AS3 having never used it before so as to get a pano object working, I'm now nearly done, but there are 2 issues:
The pano object has lost its controllers
When in fullscreen and the frame where the pano loads is reached, the whole movie (i.e. container) jumps to the top left.

**edit - seems the problems stem from loading the vr 2 levels down into my main timeline, and is a scale issue where it looks like the vr is misreading the stage size. The cursor has gone haywire too. If I dont explicitly set "vr.pano.setWindowSize(639,360)" it is scaled way too big...but none of the nested clips it is in are themselves scaled.

***edit 2: Is the pano object running any code that targets my root timeline? Is that why the whole movie jumps perhaps...if so how can I block its access to the loading files timeline (as lockroot no longer exists in AS3)?

I am using the loading script detailed in the flash api section.

Any body got any ideas? Hope so as my deadline is tomorrow!



Re: AS3 loading fullscreen issue

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 12:02 pm
by shannonr
OK- I've worked it out...every nested clip needs to be positioned at o,o or the pano coordinates freak out. The controller is still way down the bottom of the screen though...