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Batch processing window - save state

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:42 pm
by zap
Hi folks

Is there a way to save the batch process.
If I have a project I manage to put images in different folders. Each folder containing a pano and a p2vr file.
At the end I put all the p2vr for batch processing in the corresponding menu.

Is it possible to save this settings in the batch window to recreate all the panos.
Especially useful if I have to modify the skin and recreate all the panos.
Would be nice to ba able to : open batch processing window, load batch project file : and GO.


PS For those not knowing: actually I have to put each pano manually into the batch window. Struggling work if you have to manage 15+ folders.

Re: Batch processing window - save state

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:09 pm
by k.ary.n
Hi Zap,

Have you tried using a droplet? You can drop a folder onto it and it will process the images. You can't, however, make changes to the skin editor for each image. But you can make changes to your droplet accordingly (meaning you can change the skin in the droplet).

Re: Batch processing window - save state

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:40 pm
by zap

Droplets work fine but not for batchprocessing.
I just want to run a set of panos at night. So putting all my p2vr files into the batchprocessor and before leaving giving it a go.
Works fine. except I have to recreate this batch list again after processing or closing the pano2vr window.

Imagine I saw an error or I want to change the skin I have to recreate the batchlist each time.