Connect two panoramas with a panoramic video

Q&A about the latest versions
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Sascha Selent
Posts: 28
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Is there any tutorial for the following:

I have two panoramas. I want to change the viewpoint playing a panoramic video, all without HTML in a flash-projector, that is to say:
  • I look around
  • I click a hotspot
  • video-panorama is played - I go to the hotspot´s viewpoint
  • when the video is finished the target´s panorama is displayed
A workaround could be:
I have one big panoramic video, where I jump via button / hotspot-click to a special timecode to change to the view I want - Would this be possible? This would result into a very big high quality video = biiiig data.

It would be great if the video-feature would be more integrated into the pano2vr-environment, with more video-related actions e.g. - gotToTimecode, forward / backward-playback, something like this...

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Chief Gnome
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I have added this to the wish list.
MfG, Thomas
Sascha Selent
Posts: 28
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thomas wrote:I have added this to the wish list.
Veeery nice :mrgreen:

Any idea when it can be available? ( I know, I´m kinda demanding :oops: )

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Chief Gnome
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I hope before the end of this year.
MfG, Thomas
Sascha Selent
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thomas wrote:I hope before the end of this year.

Can´t await :wink:

Do you think I can achieve something like this when coding in flash? Without the skin-editor?
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Chief Gnome
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Sascha Selent wrote:
thomas wrote:I hope before the end of this year.

Can´t await :wink:

Do you think I can achieve something like this when coding in flash? Without the skin-editor?
Yes, this should be possible.
MfG, Thomas
Sascha Selent
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thomas wrote:
Sascha Selent wrote: Do you think I can achieve something like this when coding in flash? Without the skin-editor?
Yes, this should be possible.
Sounds good.

Will there be an updated Flash-API-documentation in the wiki - e.g. for the $cur-hack and stuff like this?

I think with the Flash-API-documentation I would not be able to reproduce in Flash all the things I can do with the Skin-Editor - e.g. $cur-hack, radar ?!?
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HI Sascha, I would only know if you were able to use Flash to reproduce panoramas connections with a panoramic video.
If you was able I'd like to know how.
Sascha Selent
Posts: 28
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retuc wrote:HI Sascha, I would only know if you were able to use Flash to reproduce panoramas connections with a panoramic video.
If you was able I'd like to know how.
Didn´t follow this topic yet. Got no project for this.

Best regards.

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Hey Guys!

Glad to see this thread. This is exactly what I am right about to do.
I managed to load and unload Pano's inside Flash using the AS3 Wiki script.
But here is my question now:

How do I use/call a released (clicked) hotspot to do something inside my flash project. For example to unload the current Pano and start playing the animation?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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This is getting a bit off topic now...

Actually what I want to do is connecting two panoramas with an animation that is not panoramic. So I want to unload the current pano by clicking a hotspot and load another SWF which contains the animation and loads the new pano at the and of the animation.

I took a look at the other threads about AS3 Hotspot callbacks. But I am sorry I just didn't understand how to tell e.g. the hotspot with the id 1 to do anything.

I tried the following code:

Code: Select all

import flash.display.*;
var loader:Loader;
loader = new Loader();
var url:String = "pan_laden.swf";
var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
var vr:MovieClip; // panorama movieclip

// This is done after the swf is loaded.
function finished_loading (e:Event) {
	// hotspot event
		var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("pano_schrank.swf");
		navigateToURL(request, "_self");
		trace(id + title);

function initHandler(event:Event):void {
	trace("initHandler: " + event);
	vr = MovieClip(loader.content); // cast 'DisplayObject' to 'MovieClip'
	vr.isFlash10=false; // Disable Flash 10 rendering if the container is Flash 9

function initPanorama(e:Event) {
// check if the panorama object is available and initialize it
	if ((vr!=null) && (vr.pano!=null)) {
		removeEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME , initPanorama);
		vr.pano.setWindowSize(800,500); // resize the window
		vr.pano.setWindowPos(0,0); // reposition
// call initPanorama every frame
addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME , initPanorama);

// Tell the loader to call 'finished_loading' after the swf is loaded.
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(, finished_loading);
// Tell the loader to call 'initHandler' after the swf is initialized.
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, initHandler);
addChild(loader); // add your swf directly to the stage
And here is what I get:
init panorama player
initHandler: [Event type="init" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2]
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at preloader_showroom_2_fla::MainTimeline/finished_loading()
init skin
ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable ImageRepository is not defined.
at flash.system::ApplicationDomain/getDefinition()
at PanoCube/nextPanoLoaderInit()
I am using AS3 the first time for this project so maybe it's just a syntax problem.

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Im hoping to do something similar. I would like to link two panaramas with an FLV file. I.e a virtual tour of a restaurant.

The first 360 tour is in the dining room.swf. The user clicks a hotspot to see the bar.swf. On the click diningtobar.flv (which is a video I create with a video camera that moves from the dining room to the bar. When the diningtobar.flv finishes playing, the bar.swf loads.

Essentially, dining room.swf -> diningtobar.flv ->bar.swf.

Anyone have any idea how to implement such a thing?

Thanks Michael.
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