problem when centering objects

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Posts: 123
Joined: Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:22 pm
Location: Germany

just updated to 7.0.10 and unfortunately still having my centering problem.

Drawing a rectangular/square without border and putting a square-textbox as child on it, same size but with border I´m always getting an offset.
offset1.jpg (153.26 KiB) Viewed 1123 times
Doesen´t matter if I use center object in percent: 0 or centered with pixel: 0

Adding the same border to the rectangular/square doesn´t solve the offset. Only taking the border off the textbox does help to center both objects.

Hadn´t had this with version 6. Still a bug?
offset2.jpg (500.16 KiB) Viewed 1123 times

Thanks for info
Posts: 123
Joined: Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:22 pm
Location: Germany

I separated the objects to isolate the influencing setting.

The problem was the logic block, rezising the outer square depending on screenheight.

However the trigger value wasn´t reached.
offset3.jpg (115.26 KiB) Viewed 1107 times

.... found it.

The real problem was that the logic block was with the outer square and additionally with the text box. Deleted the one with the textbox and sized it to 100%.

Sorry for trouble :?
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