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AWS not parsing XML?

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 5:40 am
by etegration
I think it's not pano2vr but need help when locking up the FOV. AWS do not seem to understand the XML and it's not locking the FOV to the degrees i want.

MThe XML is here:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tour appversion="6.1.15" start="node2" apprev="18116">
  <panorama id="node2">
    <input levelbiashidpi="1.000" width="3000" height="3000" levelbias="0.400" levelingroll="0" overlap="1" leveltilesize="510" levelingpitch="0" leveltileurl="tiles/node2/cf_%c/l_%l/c_%x/tile_%y.jpg">
      <level width="3000" height="3000" preload="0" predecode="0"/>
      <level width="1500" height="1500" preload="0" predecode="0"/>
      <level width="750" height="750" preload="0" predecode="0"/>
      <level width="375" height="375" preload="1" predecode="1"/>
      <preview color="0x808080" strip="1"/>
    <view pannorth="0" fovmode="0">
      <start fov="100" pan="3.09" projection="4" tilt="-0.57"/>
      <flyin fov="170" pan="0" projection="9" tilt="-90"/>
      <min fov="100" pan="0" tilt="-90"/>
      <max fov="120" fovstereographic="270" pan="360" fovfisheye="360" tilt="90" scaletofit="1"/>
    <userdata author="" longitude="" nodeid="node2" description="" copyright="" tags="output" source="" info="" title="Min Jiang at Dempsey" customnodeid="" latitude="" datetime="" heading="0" comment=""/>
    <hotspots width="180" height="20" wordwrap="1">
      <label borderalpha="1" width="180" height="20" border="1" backgroundcolor="0xffffff" background="1" backgroundalpha="1" enabled="1" textcolor="0x000000" textalpha="1" wordwrap="1" bordercolor="0x000000" borderradius="1"/>
      <polystyle borderalpha="1" handcursor="1" mode="0" backgroundcolor="0x0000ff" backgroundalpha="0.25098" bordercolor="0x0000ff"/>
    <transition zoomoutpause="1" blendcolor="0x000000" softedge="0" zoomafterinfov="90" type="crossdissolve" zoomout="0" blendtime="1" enabled="1" zoomfov="20" zoomspeed="2" zoomin="0" zoomafteroutfov="20"/>
    <autorotate useanimation="0" nodefilter="" returntohorizon="0.000" nodedelay="0.00" noderandom="1" startloaded="0" speed="0.100" enabled="1" delay="3.00"/>
    <animation syncanimationwithvideo="0" useinautorotation="0" animsequence="Animation01"/>
    <control hideabout="0" simulatemass="1" sensitivity="8" contextvr="1" lockedkeyboard="0" lockedwheel="0" invertcontrol="1" contextfullscreen="1" contextprojections="0" lockedmouse="0" invertwheel="0" dblclickfullscreen="0" lockedkeyboardzoom="0" rubberband="0" speedwheel="1"/>
    <userdata author="" longitude="" nodeid="master" description="" copyright="" tags="" source="" info="" title="" customnodeid="" latitude="" datetime="" heading="0" comment=""/>
Im running it in AWS S3 with Cloudfront with geo locked only to Singapore viewers but has removed the WAF geo locked for now.

AWS - fov not working -
Normal hosting - fov working - ... ar-middle/