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API MoveTo callback

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 4:21 pm
by Christophe
Hi everyone,

I haven't seen anything in the documentation but is there a way to implement a callback function to the moveto API function so I can execute a javascript function as soon as the moveto is finished.

Is there also a function that would be triggered at each view change so I can trigger javascript functions when getting to specific columns?



Re: API MoveTo callback

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 5:47 pm
by Christophe
Hi have another question about the moveto function.
It seems like it's always rotating in the same direction. My sequence is 240 images, if I rotate to frame 1 and trigger moveto(frame 239) it then rotates from frame 1 to 239 (a full spin) when it could just move by 3 frames rotating the other way around.
Is that something that you guys ran into in the past? Is there a solution for this?

