We are rendering our images to set the Object2VR, to make it smooth we have quite some. To make a spot that is really important to us to link 360 and still on Pano2VR is a really painful and time consuming process.
Is there a way to use rendered masks to set hotspots and Areas? black and white, or RGBA or something on to that direction?
Thank you in advance!
Hotsopt with rendered sequence
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Wed May 25, 2016 4:09 pm
Hi Pato,
I'm not sure which 3d software you're using but I just made a maxscript to batch export hotspot locations. It can't do zone but it really sped up our hotspot creation.
I'm happy to send it your way if you're interested.
I'm not sure which 3d software you're using but I just made a maxscript to batch export hotspot locations. It can't do zone but it really sped up our hotspot creation.
I'm happy to send it your way if you're interested.
Hello Christophe,
Is it true you created a script to export poly hotspot from 3dsMax?
It would so usefull as I have tons of complicated hotspots to draw by hand on each frames, can you please send it to me also?
One good thing for object2vr would be the possibility to import fbx for this kind of task.
Is it true you created a script to export poly hotspot from 3dsMax?
It would so usefull as I have tons of complicated hotspots to draw by hand on each frames, can you please send it to me also?
One good thing for object2vr would be the possibility to import fbx for this kind of task.
Hi Christopher !Christophe wrote: Thu Sep 29, 2022 6:33 pm Hi Pato,
I'm not sure which 3d software you're using but I just made a maxscript to batch export hotspot locations. It can't do zone but it really sped up our hotspot creation.
I'm happy to send it your way if you're interested.
That's great ! Can you make your maxscript available to the community ?
This could save everyone a lot of time !
For hotspots in polygons, the idea of doing it with a state with a transparent png is interesting !
To see if we can superimpose several states ?
Nice continuation !
Thanks !
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Wed May 25, 2016 4:09 pm
Hi everyone,
sorry totally forgot about this until I just came back on this forum to ask a question.
Are you still interested in the script?
sorry totally forgot about this until I just came back on this forum to ask a question.
Are you still interested in the script?
Hi Christopher!
Yes, I am super interested!
Thank you very much!
Yes, I am super interested!
Thank you very much!
Hi all !
I'm afraid we'll have a solution in 2026 !
If Christopher comes by, don't hesitate to put your script !
GGnome team is working on a solution, but we have no visibility, but hope!
Thanks everyone !
I'm afraid we'll have a solution in 2026 !
If Christopher comes by, don't hesitate to put your script !
GGnome team is working on a solution, but we have no visibility, but hope!
Thanks everyone !
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Wed May 25, 2016 4:09 pm
Sorry everyone,
Clearly I am not following this forum very closely and I don't get notifications either... Someone just sent me a private message and hurray I got the notification. BTW I have no idea how to reply to you Thomas for some reason the message I received in my email is nowhere to be seen on the forum...
Anyways, after a long long time, see the script below:
I have not used it in a while so it may have bugs or require tweaking.
The basic idea is that you can add/remove objects with the +/- buttons to the list and then organize them up and down (the order they are in the list will match the order they are when imported in object2vr)
You can then select either to export to xml (you would paste the output in the xml file produced by obj2vr) or export to obj2vr (in this case you would open your obj2vr scene in a file editor and paste the code there)
When you click on do the thing, the script will go through your timeline (assuming that you have a camera rotating 360 around your objects) and place a hotspot for each object in the list for each frame.
When it's done it'll copy the output in the clipboard and you can paste it like I mentioned either in the xml or the obj2vr file.
Two notes:
-there are times when you want to hide hotspots because they may be behind another object. Since I couldn't figure out how to automatcially manage occlusions you can just animate the object's visiblity. If the visibility is 1 then the hotspot will be visible, anything lower than that and it'll be skipped.
-you can also set states with the state thing
Let me know if you have questions and hopefully I answer soon...
Clearly I am not following this forum very closely and I don't get notifications either... Someone just sent me a private message and hurray I got the notification. BTW I have no idea how to reply to you Thomas for some reason the message I received in my email is nowhere to be seen on the forum...
Anyways, after a long long time, see the script below:
I have not used it in a while so it may have bugs or require tweaking.
The basic idea is that you can add/remove objects with the +/- buttons to the list and then organize them up and down (the order they are in the list will match the order they are when imported in object2vr)
You can then select either to export to xml (you would paste the output in the xml file produced by obj2vr) or export to obj2vr (in this case you would open your obj2vr scene in a file editor and paste the code there)
When you click on do the thing, the script will go through your timeline (assuming that you have a camera rotating 360 around your objects) and place a hotspot for each object in the list for each frame.
When it's done it'll copy the output in the clipboard and you can paste it like I mentioned either in the xml or the obj2vr file.
Two notes:
-there are times when you want to hide hotspots because they may be behind another object. Since I couldn't figure out how to automatcially manage occlusions you can just animate the object's visiblity. If the visibility is 1 then the hotspot will be visible, anything lower than that and it'll be skipped.
-you can also set states with the state thing
Let me know if you have questions and hopefully I answer soon...
Code: Select all
UIAccessor.SetWindowText (dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance.TheListener.EditBox ""
frameStart = (substring (animationrange.start as string) 1 ((animationrange.start as string).count - 1)) as integer
frameEnd=(substring (animationrange.end as string) 1 ((animationrange.end as string).count - 1)) as integer
halfFrames = false
gw.setTransform (matrix3 1)
--objectSelected = selection
viewportViewSize = getViewSize()
forXML = true
rollout object2vrCreator "Object2VR hotspot exporter" width:487 height:453
Multilistbox lstSelection "List of objects" pos:[20,20] width:148 height:13 align:#left
button bAdd "+" pos:[180,40] width:36 height:22 align:#left
button bRemove "-" pos:[180,70] width:36 height:22 align:#left
button bMoveUp "Up" pos:[180,100] width:36 height:22 align:#left
button bMoveDown "Down" pos:[180,130] width:36 height:22 align:#left
label tSpinnerLabel "State" pos:[180,160]
spinner sState pos:[180,180] range:[0,100,0] width:40 type:#integer
radiobuttons rForXML pos:[20,220] labels:#("For XML", "For OBJ2VR")
button bDoTheWork "Do the thing" pos:[20,240] width:202 height:22 align:#left
local objectList = #()
fn updateListBox =
lstSelection.items = objectList as array
on bAdd pressed do
local selectedObjects = selection as array
for obj in selectedObjects do
if findItem objectList obj.name == 0 do
append objectList obj.name
on bRemove pressed do
local selectedItem = lstSelection.selection as array
if selectedItem.count > 0 do
for item in selectedItem do
deleteItem objectList item
on bMoveUp pressed do MoveItem lstSelection dir:-1
on bMoveDown pressed do MoveItem lstSelection dir:1
fn getObjectLocationInViewport =
--Break this function into smaller chunks since we don't really need to run it at every frame
--To Do
viewSize = [gw.getWinSizeX(), gw.getWinSizeY()]
renderSize = [renderWidth, renderHeight]
local viewAspect = viewSize.x as float / viewSize.y
local renderAspect = renderSize.x as float / renderSize.y
local x, y
if (viewAspect > renderAspect) then
safeframe_h = viewSize.y
safeframe_w = (safeframe_h * renderAspect) as integer
y = 0
x = (viewSize.x - safeframe_w) / 2
safeframe_w = viewSize.x
safeframe_h = (safeframe_w / renderAspect) as integer
x = 0
y = (viewSize.y - safeframe_h) / 2
fn getObjectScreenLocation obj =(
objectScreenPos= undefined
gw.setTransform (matrix3 1)
objectScreenPos= gw.transpoint obj.position
posX = ((objectScreenPos.x/viewportViewSize.x))
posY = ((objectScreenPos.y/viewportViewSize.y))
if (forXML) then
newX = (objectScreenPos.x - (viewportViewSize.x- safeframe_w )/ 2)/safeframe_w
newY = (objectScreenPos.y - (viewportViewSize.y- safeframe_h )/ 2)/safeframe_h
newX = (objectScreenPos.x - (viewportViewSize.x- safeframe_w )/ 2) * renderWidth/safeframe_w
newY = (objectScreenPos.y - (viewportViewSize.y- safeframe_h )/ 2) * renderHeight/safeframe_h
print sliderTime
print [newX,newY]
return [newX,newY]
fn printHotspot hotspotList hotspotName forXml =
hIndex = finditem lstSelection.items hotspotName
hotspotsInfo = ""
if (forXml) then
hIndex = finditem hotspotList hotspotName
hotspotsInfo += "<hotspot title=\"\" target=\"\" skinid=\"\" url=\"\" id=\""
hotspotsInfo += hotspotList[hIndex]
hotspotsInfo += "\" reuse=\"0\">\n"
for hotspot in hotspotsLocation[hIndex] do
if (hotspot!=undefined) then
hotspotsInfo += (" <location x=\""+((hotspot[1] as Float) as String) +"\" y=\""+((hotspot[2] as Float) as String) +"\" row=\"0\" column=\""+(currColumn as String)+"\" state=\""+sState.value as String+"\"/>\n")
hotspotsInfo += "</hotspot>\n"
hotspotsInfo+= "<hotspot>\n\t<type>point</type>\n\t<id>"
hotspotsInfo+= lstSelection.items[hIndex]
hotspotsInfo+= "</id>\n\t<title></title>\n\t<skinid></skinid>\n"
for hotspot in hotspotsLocation[hIndex] do
if (hotspot!=undefined) then
hotspotsInfo+= "\t<pointitem>\n"
hotspotsInfo+= ("\t\t<column>"+(currColumn as String)+"</column>\n")
hotspotsInfo+= "\t\t<row>0</row>\n"
hotspotsInfo+= "\t\t<state>"+sState.value as String+"</state>\n"
hotspotsInfo+= ("\t\t<xpos>"+((hotspot[1] as integer) as String) +"</xpos>\n")
hotspotsInfo+= ("\t\t<ypos>"+ ((hotspot[2] as integer) as String) +"</ypos>\n")
hotspotsInfo+= "\t</pointitem>\n"
hotspotsInfo+= "</hotspot>\n"
return hotspotsInfo
fn machintest=(
caca = getObjectScreenLocation $
on object2vrCreator open do(
fn doWork forXML=(
if (lstSelection.selection.count>0) then
for o in lstSelection.items do
--sliderTime = frameStart as time
for i = frameStart to frameEnd do
sliderTime = i as time
if ((halfFrames AND (mod i 2)==0) OR (NOT halfFrames)) then (
for objName in lstSelection.items do
obj = getNodeByName objName
if (obj.visibility) then
screenPos = getObjectScreenLocation obj
if (( forXML AND screenPos[1]>=0 AND screenPos[1]<=1 AND screenPos[2]>=0 AND screenPos[2]<=1) OR ( NOT forXML AND screenPos[1]>=0 AND screenPos[1]<=renderWidth AND screenPos[2]>=0 AND screenPos[2]<=renderHeight)) then
append hotspotsLocation[currHotspot] screenPos
else append hotspotsLocation[currHotspot] undefined
append hotspotsLocation[currHotspot] undefined
dataToClipboard = ""
allObjects = object2vrCreator.lstSelection.items
for hotspot in allObjects do
dataToClipboard+= printHotspot allObjects hotspot forXML
setClipboardText dataToClipboard
on bDoTheWork pressed do
if (rForXML.state==2) then forXML = false
fn MoveItem ctrl dir:1 =
if ctrl.selection.numberset == 1 do
local arr = ctrl.items
sel = (ctrl.selection as array)[1]
if case dir of
(-1):sel > 1
( 1):sel < arr.count
swap arr[sel] arr[sel+dir]
ctrl.items = arr
ctrl.selection = sel+dir
-- Create the rollout window
createdialog object2vrCreator 250 280
Hi Christophe!
This is so cool! I have to test this! It takes the pivot of the 3D object, and it creates a hotspot in point?
A lot of time saved if it works, at worst you will have to take an old version of Max, do you remember which one it was?
Thank you very much!
Have a nice day!
This is so cool! I have to test this! It takes the pivot of the 3D object, and it creates a hotspot in point?
A lot of time saved if it works, at worst you will have to take an old version of Max, do you remember which one it was?
Thank you very much!
Have a nice day!