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Looking in the same direction using Maps and Menus

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 12:36 pm
by Hopki
Here is a simple but useful project that lets you use the previous node's pan angle when opening the next node from a menu or map.
By default, the target would be using the Default View, so using the Viewing Parameters it is possible to set the view going in one direction.
This would work going in one direction but not coming back as the Default View can only show one pan angle.

The problem, when making a tour and you have many nodes between two locations, it can be tedious for the viewer to click one hotspot after another. Using a map or menu you can just select the end node rather than going through them one by one.

OK, that's nothing new, but if the nodes are using the default view the person viewing the tour can lose orientation very quickly, you start facing say West, then the next node opens facing south.

If you open the attached project and rotate to the West, you can click either the Thumbnail Menu or Map Pins one by one or just click the last one.
The nodes will change but open facing the same way as the starting node.
This will help with orientation.

ScreenFlow.gif (7.52 MiB) Viewed 39652 times

How it works:
Each node has its North set, in fact, it does not need to be north but as long as all are set facing the same way.
Then in the Open Next Panorama action found in the Thumbnail Menu and Map Pin components, the Target is changed from "Default View" to "Forward".

Map PIN Component

1.png (103.46 KiB) Viewed 39657 times

Vertical Thumbnail Menu Component

2.png (171.07 KiB) Viewed 39657 times

But you may ask why you would not use the Current Node Action?
The answer to this is you can, but "Current Node" will also use the starting nodes Tilt and FoV which may not be desirable for a menu.
But as always, the choice is yours, showing how flexible Pano2VR is :D (I know, cheesy right :lol: )

That's it, a simple project that can make all the difference.