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Missing placeholder for Point Hotspot/ID

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 2:42 pm
by bg360

I tried this:
Placeholders can be used. For instance, you could go to Edit Project User Data, and put $(ut) into the Custom Node ID field to use the user data title as the custom node ID in each node.
This works. But I want to use the field Properties-Point Hotspot ID in the field Properties-Point Hotspot/Link Target URL.
The reason is that we have thousands of URL hotspots and all the URLs are like: ID

Moreover I'd like to save the domain URL in a variable to make it easier, if the domain changes.


Link Target URL:

I figured out 3 problems:
1. The placeholder for the Properties-Point Hotspot ID doesn't exist.
2. Placeholders can't be used in the field Properties-Point Hotspot/Link Target URL.
3. Variables can't be used in the field Properties-Point Hotspot/Link Target URL.

Is there a workaround?


Re: Missing placeholder for Point Hotspot/ID

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 2:13 pm
by Hopki
Hi Michael,
For a full list of placeholders please see our documentation:
So to try and understand your requirement you want to be able to use the Skin Configuration button to set Point Hotspot URLs.
I take it this would include the Hotspot Titles and targets, so you would need three text variables per hotspot.

Knowing all point hotspots can have a unique ID you would use this, so start off with Point01 and keep adding to the number.
By default this number restarts with the next panorama, but keep it going so every Point Hotspot in the tour has its own ID.

You can then use Hotspot Proxy ID to link to a container, one will be required for each Point Hotspot, so give them the ID's P01, P02, etc.

This would be a lot of repetitive work, with three variables for each Point Hotspot.
You could default the target to _blank in the container saving having to have a variable for this.

Please find attached a working project.


Re: Missing placeholder for Point Hotspot/ID

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 9:00 pm
by bg360
Hi Hopki,

i already checked the documentation and didn't find a placeholder for the Hotspot ID.
I've for example the following URL Hotspost:

ID: 0781
Link Target URL:

ID: 0024
Link Target URL:

ID: 1605
Link Target URL:

When you've thousands of these hotspots and the domain changes, it's a lot of work. Therefore I would like to save the URL in a variable. This way I've to change it only once in the variable.

In addition, the ID could be added automatically if there would be a placeholder for the Hotspot ID available.

Than the Link Target URL for all hotspots could be generated by the variable and the placeholder:

Is it possible to develop the missing placeholder and make it work this way?


Re: Missing placeholder for Point Hotspot/ID

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 9:10 pm
by Hopki
Hi Michael,
If editing is the only reason for this then you can edit the XML file, you can do a find and replace editing thousands of hotspots in seconds.

Re: Missing placeholder for Point Hotspot/ID

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 9:15 am
by bg360
Hi Hopki,
thanks, the replacement in the XML is a workaround for the editing.

Now only the placeholder for the Hotspot ID is missing:

Is there a way to add this placeholder soon? If this placeholder could be available quickly, I would save myself a lot of work. Therefore I would like to support the development financially. Would it be possible?