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Text Field entry has white background

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 1:38 pm
by Tony

Something curious.

1. If I open either of the V6 skins and add a new 'Draw Text Field' when I enter text it looks as per normal, Black text on a white background. If I disable Background then I just have the black text.

2. If it turn on the visibility of one of the hotspots eg. ht_video_youtube a white background appears behind the text and matches the width of the text. In fact if the Draw Text Box is added above the 'do not modify skin' element then the background of the text inside that element is also coloured white. See below...

draw-text.jpg (268 KiB) Viewed 4679 times

This is sort of weird because you can't see any text if it's coloured white. Is there any way to turn this off other than turning off the visibility of the hotspots?
