Known Issues

Everything concerning the Wordpress/Joomla/Drupal plugins
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Joined: Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:16 pm
Location: Layer de la Haye, Essex UK

Im starting this post because other plugins and themes that can cause problems with our plugins.
If you know of a plugin that causes a plug that is not listed here please e-mail in to with the plugin name and what it does to stop our plugins from working.


• Medien-Assistent
This causes a security issue saying:
"This file type is unfortunately not allowed for security reasons"
When the plug is disabled everything works as normal.

• Autoptimize
This disables the Gyro in the plugin.
No error message, the gyro just does not work

• Foo Box
This causes the pano to go blank when you set 100% width in the plugin to make the output responsive.
No error message.
However, you can enable and disable this per page so if disabled on pages where there is a pano then all should work ok.

• Theme: Graphene
This is causing lots of "Warning: Illegal string offset" warnings referring to ggpkg-import.php in the media library entries for ggpkgs.

• Theme: ValueFM Child Theme v0.5
This is causing constant display of "loading" With a blank page.

Theme: Fiji 2 from Flotheme No Hotspot or skin images showing, this was due to a setting "Enable lazyload for WordPress Content area.
Once disabled the Hotspot and skin images were visible.
LazyLoad.png (4.89 KiB) Viewed 14251 times

Gallery or Objects not showing in an iframe The fix to this is to use the $(r) placeholder, please see this post.


• K2 Articles
When the package is uploaded you see the following message in the page:
"This content requires HTML5 with CSS3 3D Transforms or WebGL"
Garden Gnome Support
If you send an e-mail to support please send a link to the forum post for reference.