Levels disappearing from SV tours

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Posts: 157
Joined: Thu Sep 17, 2009 7:39 pm

Hi all, not sure if this is a pano2vr issue or a google one, however all tours published with Pano2vr have, over the last 24-48 hours, had the levels widget (bottom right) disappear.

Has there been a change in the Google API that has effected this? Anyone else having this issue?
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Having the same issue here, something when I upload a tour, all the connections are there but no levels widget.
Then, I delete all the pano's and reupload and then sometimes the levels widget is there, but not all the connections.
Currently it doesn't work flawlessly :(, besides the levels widget, sometimes not all the connections are uploaded and/or the correct business name. Mostly I correct these in the App.... Hope it will be fixed soon.

Kind Regards,

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From what i've learnt is that this is an API problem that is having an effect across many 3rd party publishers. Old tours seem to be stable, but new tours are having levels disappear.

Does anyone from Garden Gnome know about this?
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We know about it but as its on Googles end we have no influence over what they do.
You could try clicking the upload project again without deleting any images so it re-uploads the meta data.
Or just wait to see if it comes back in a few days.
Sorry I can't be more help but nothing we can do.
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Thought that my be the case, i'll keep my eyes peeled and see what, if anything, Google do about it! Thanks.
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