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Projection Buttons

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 10:23 pm
by Tim Tyson
VERY new to this, but it's making sense.

In the top left of the Panedia 2016 show reel ( appears the seekbar (understand how to do that), the play/pause buttons (understand how to do that), and then the interactive projection buttons under those (clueless how those gather the projection information from the animation and highlight themselves as the pano is playing).

My objective: use interactive rectilinear, fisheye, and stereographic svg icons (not the text tool with background acting as a button) with the correct name text under each (know how to do that) that "appear lit" when the 360ยบ video animation is recti/fish/ or stereographic, and each icon can be used by the viewer to change the projection. I would like the correct icon to "select itself" when the animation projection changes. That's where I'm stuck. In other words, do the same thing as the Panedia example but using svg icons instead of text buttons.

I'm pretty good at learning by deconstructing from examples (like in the skin editor) and watching the videos, but I have no idea how the Panedia example buttons are getting the projection data from the animation timeline.

So, this objective is currently over my head. However, I really would like to tackle it. I've scoured the forums and the support videos (Just found the the what's New: Projections video for Pano2VR 5.1!!!) but haven't found a jumping off place to move me toward my objective. Guidance would be much appreciated.