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Javascript API documentation

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 7:54 am
by MFThomsen
Is there some kind of documentation of any Javascript APIs for Object2VR ?

Looking in skin.js I can see there are a lot of functions/methods that interacts with Object2VR - would be great to be able to develop my own skin and functionality.

Anyone ?


Re: Javascript API documentation

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 10:57 pm
by Hopki
Have a look at our Object2VR API page which can be found on our website.
Website => Documents => Object2VR: Under the heading Reference you will see the link for JavaScript API.

Re: Javascript API documentation

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 11:16 am
by MFThomsen
Hopki wrote: Website => Documents => Object2VR: Under the heading Reference you will see the link for JavaScript API.
I looked at that, but it basically seems to be the Flash API ...could be you have not updated the text or something; It says: "First of all you need to enable the external Flash interface. It is disable by default to avoid error messages. To do this you need to set the FlashVars parameter externalinterface to 1. Also you need to assign a name/id to the Flash object within the HTML page. If you are using the p2q_embed_object.js (version 2.2 and higher) the code"

Furthermore it doesn't really describe any events for the object, there also seems to be many methods not defined in the API description.