Load external webpage into gallery-component

Q&A about the latest versions
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I have answered this in the support e-mail.
But here it is again for those following this thread.

Apple for some reason does not want you to scroll in an iframe and block this feature in their mobile devices.
Like with all workarounds if they are not supported there is a high probability that Apple does something to break this workaround.
So what we do is if "Has Touch" has been detected then we open a new HTML page/tab.

The workaround discussed here has been known for a long time but too risky to be apart of the software/built-in component we have to support.
But if anyone here wants to make a modified web component and post it in the Components forum them let me know and I'll add it to the index of the component forum.

We would really like to see people offering components, even making their own shop to sell them in the commercial offerings forum, I would think this would be really cool for users and a nice little earner for the individuals that take the time to develop them.

Garden Gnome Support
If you send an e-mail to support please send a link to the forum post for reference.
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