Virtual tour for a Viking Village.

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Hello. This time, i have a full virtual tour (32 panoramas) that showcases small Viking Village in an island of Saaremaa - betweem Sweden and Estonia.
https://procontent-tuurid.s3.amazonaws. ... en?lang=en

The focus of this tour is simple but beautifully arranged user interface. For example try to stretch browser window smaller and bigger and see how the interface changes. And then test the category menu in mobile. If there is text in the User description field, the description window automatically shows itself (like in the first node). We also have "Share link" button, that copies not only the view parameters but also the language. And so on.

Ths tour uses Advanced skin - with almost no modifications. ... gory-menu
Please check my recent tours at:
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Professional very sharp imaging. Easy to use menu. Layout and navigation- exceptional.

Thank you for the show and tell. Would like to visit... but to far from Texas USA.
Dave still at
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I love the hotspots, the clear navigation elements and the way you handle the fact that visitors are all around the scenes.
I would decrease the zoom-factor. Description text is not always translated to english and some stitching errors could be fixed.
snap529.jpg (161.04 KiB) Viewed 9584 times
Stitching errors.jpg
Stitching errors.jpg (145.24 KiB) Viewed 9584 times
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panox wrote: Sun Oct 13, 2024 9:21 am I love the hotspots, the clear navigation elements and the way you handle the fact that visitors are all around the scenes.
I would decrease the zoom-factor. Description text is not always translated to english and some stitching errors could be fixed.
Thanks :)
Whoops @stitching :) It was very quick photo-editing, some errors caused, probably because of some points in moving clouds or something. We will update the tour sometimes in winter.
Please check my recent tours at:
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An impressive tour:
Well designed and interesting informations. The high resolution invited me to inspect tiny details:
snap562.jpg (81.46 KiB) Viewed 8681 times
Translation could be better:

Diese Anlage kann Elektroschocks oder Verbrennungen verursachen.
"effektiv, Spitze"


Repect for creating such flawless panoramas in such narrow rooms!
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This virtual tour looks amazing. The interface works so smoothly, and I love how it adjusts on different devices. How long did it take to make this tour, including photos and editing? Are you planning to add any interactive features like historical facts?
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