Pano2VR-Google Street View error

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Panorama Tour Builder
Version: 6.1.15 pro 64bit
Revision: 18116/5.12.2

Build date: Apr 62022, 17:29:14

Who can say something about this error message and how I can avoid it?

Street View error

Error transferring
updateMask=pose.latLngPair, pose.heading, pose.level, connections,places - server
replied: Not Found


“error": {
“code": 404,
“message": ‘Photo with id: CAoSLEFGMVFpcFBicGd4cFR0VUVEdk5NbGlLZkhUWVE1YzcxZ2pXODVRUDBaVW9X does not exist.’,
“status": ‘NOT_FOUND’,
“details": [
“@type": ‘’,
“metadata": {
“EXTERNAL_MESSAGE": ”Photo with id: CAoSLEFGMVFpcFBicGd4cFR0VUVEdk5NbGlLZkhUWVE1YzcxZ2pXODVRUDBaVW9X does not exist.”

“connections": [
“places": [
“placeId": ”ChIJOdqiGggjskcRkhz0p5yby-E”
“pose": {
“heading": 67,
“latLngPair": {
“latitude": 53.76903289,
“longitude": 10.15542805

After clicking OK, an “Update Metadata - Google Street View” window appears The 100% progress bar remains as it is and the window cannot be closed.
Clicking on “Cancel” does not help. I have just tried the ESC key. This closes the window.
The panorama appears on GSV, but as “Unknown location”, although I have placed the panorama in the Pano2VR map at the recording location and selected the goat hike as “Place”.
The “User data” tab also contains the coordinates “Latitude: 53.76903289, Longitude: 10.15542805” .
That should be enough for GSV to display the place title correctly.
I have sent GSV a question as to whether and how the title can be edited. I have not yet received an answer.

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Hi Harald,
Have you seen this post as found under the Useful Post Index?
404 image not found
You need to select the Plcae from the list/search, it is not enough just having Location Data.
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Thank you, Martin, I set the place but "Unknown location" was the title in GSV. Now I deleted the panoramas with the titles "Unknown location" in the Street View Browser of Pano2VR and uploaded the panorama again. Now it has been added to the three existing panoramas with the title "Ziegenwanderung Bargfeld-Stegen". What is the meaning of the amber icon in the tour browser?
snap338.jpg (44.37 KiB) Viewed 2390 times
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Hi Harald,
Expand the group, I suspect there may be place names missing.
If you know that all nodes have a place assigned to then, then use the Upload Project button again and wait fro a few hours.
Open the Street View Browser and use the Refresh button.
Garden Gnome Support
If you send an e-mail to support please send a link to the forum post for reference.
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