Object2vr image within skin popup?

Special forum to share and discuss skins for Pano2VR and Object2VR
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Posts: 198
Joined: Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:22 pm

Hi all. No object2vr skin board so am posting here, move it Thomas if you want.
Look here,
On this skin is it possible to have an image embedded into the information box as well as text, if so any help would be grateful.
Or have a text info box, and maybe also a button which shows more detail, like this, http://www.3d-studio.co.uk/demonstration.
Click on option 4 to see what I mean.
Am still looking forward to the update to this pruoduct !

Thanks for any help, John G
Kind regards,

John Goulding
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Hi John
All is possible,

First why not just add an image to the userdata box? Make the box wider and add your image.

For adding pictures like the second example, you can place a big image in the skin and set it to not visible then assign a toggle visible action to a button, job done. Or import thumbnail images as buttons and assign the actions to them.

Thomas, If the skin editor is going to be the same for both Pano and Objet2VR, why not just have a Skin section separate from Pano and Object, all will benefit and no need for doubling up on information.
Hopki :)
Garden Gnome Support
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Posts: 198
Joined: Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:22 pm

Cheers Hopki. I thought it was possible just wanted to check that an image can go into the info box as wasn't
100 percent. I have just taken a few shots for another object movie, and when i have taime will edit and import
into object2vr. Prob get to play and add other features later once it is all up. For now I will take a few close up
shots to use as 'detail' popups. Yes, I did think that the skin forum should cater for both products, just a matter
of a quick rename Thomas?
Many thanks, John G
Kind regards,

John Goulding
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