Photo with ID NOT_FOUND error

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Joined: Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:34 am
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My project with around 160 nodes has been uploaded to Google Maps and seems to be mostly ok. However one node wasn't behaving properly. Links to other panos were a bit strange. Testing in Google maps either the link was not there or not linking the the right place in that a link would jump to a completely separate area of the tour. I tried to delete the node that was misbehaving and then re-upload. Now I keep getting these kind of errors:

Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 09.44.50.png
Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 09.44.50.png (50.53 KiB) Viewed 286991 times
Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 10.07.25.png
Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 10.07.25.png (64.8 KiB) Viewed 286991 times

I've isolated the node, ie it's not linked it to any other node. Reading other threads on this forum I tried deleting the node from the project and used the Street View Browser to delete it from Google Maps as well. But then I can't reload because of similar errors.

Another nearby node seems to have inherited this strangeness in that if I open that node in Google Maps it is now linked to a different node on a different floor! I can't seem to fix any of this and keep going round in circles.

Any ideas? Would deleting everything from Google Maps and then re uploading be any use?

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Posts: 136
Joined: Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:34 am
Location: North Wales

Ok, I may have fixed this problem, maybe! Though I don''t know what caused it.

I checked the Google Browser window carefully. In my project file I have 161 nodes. The Google browser only had 159 images.

The troublesome node was taken at 07 57 25. (that's 57 minutes past 7am)

When I inspect this from the project file by opening it in a Google Map window it was linked to the very 1st node taken on the day, at 07 27 35. So the node is correct in the project file, but not in Google Maps.

Back to the Google Browser window, the images are all in time order. The one at 07 57 25 was indeed the same as the one taken at the beginning of the day at 07 27 35. A duplicate.

At the bottom of the list, the same image was there with the correct timestamp 07 27 35.

Fingers crossed, I deleted the duplicate which was time stamped at 07 57 25 using the Google Browser delete option.

Back in the project the troublesome node is now showing that it's not on the Google Map server, so I try to upload just that image.

It works 👍🏻

There are now 160 images showing in the Google Browser window.

I have no idea where this other missing node is or what it is 🤔

I use the 'upload / Sync' everything button and a node is reported as missing and uploaded. Without any actual errors at all.

So, all ok??

We shall see 😬

Thanks for your patience Martin 😎
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