spin quality

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Posts: 64
Joined: Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:17 pm

Hi there,

I use a Lumix G3 (16mp), with a fisheye lens to capture my 360s. After processing into HDR with photomatix, they're stitched into a pano with ptgui

Previously, I've been outputting to a 8bit, packed, TIFF from ptgui, resulting in a 290mb file. As an experiment, instead, I output a 20mb JPG from ptgui (quality @ 95%) and loaded the large TIFF vs much smaller JPG as two nodes within Pano2vr. When the default views of both nodes were zoomed to the same location - there was no noticeable difference in quality.

Is this expected? In my case, it appears the larger TIFF has no benefit over the much smaller JPG.

Firstly, as a general rule, do Pano2vr users use smaller jpgs as source files?

Secondly, in the past I've only used the Pano2VR default output settings. Can I change settings within Pano2VR to increase the detail / quality within the output? Are there any available notes on how to increase quality?
My thoughts - maybe, if I increased the output quality from Pano2VR, I would notice a difference between the TIFF and JPG?

Looking for a little guidance from other users.
Many thanks,
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Hi Marc,
To be clear this only affects local storage not the output.
Pano2VR will remap and convert the output to JPEG tiles. So as long as the resolution of the input image is the same the output will be the same.
However TIFF is a lossless file type while JPEG is lossy, which means you get a slight loss of quality with every save/copy.
But as you are using a JPEG right out of the stitcher and Pano2VR doing a good job you won’t see much difference.

Also using 16 bit TIFF is handy if you want to make any edits, if you using JPEG then there may not be the information left in the image to secure a good result.

For improving image quality will depend on how the input image was made, one shot camera or DLSR, see: https://ggnome.com/doc/prefs-settings/# ... e-settings
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Posts: 64
Joined: Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:17 pm

Thanks Hopki. I naively thought the larger TIFF would create better quality tiles for multi resolution images.

As typically I don't plan to perform any adjustments after the stitcher, and I'm getting the same quality experience from the output - I'll start using jpgs, as the storage is much less and Pano2vr is quicker in the development stage. I.e. no noticeable difference for the user, much better for me :-)
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