Panotour import map issue

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Hello all,

I am converting a lot of old tours done in Panotour Pro, the old abandoned Kolor software and am having an issue with the floor plan. The area around the floor plan has a black square around the map area and the remaining area in the map container is "see through". Is there a way to fix this, I have tried to alter the map backround color but it just shows the grey and white checkered box and does not let me change it.
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What file type is the map? .jpg or .png

.jpg does not have a transparent layer

.png has 2 flavors .png 8 No transparency. .png 24 bit allows transparent layer

Maybe If its a .png 24bit open it your photo editor and it will be a layered file... background on bottom and map image on top. You will need to add a new colored 50% transparent layer between background and map. Save for Web 24bit .png transparent.

There is another reason it is not displaying correctly and has to do with what software are you using to see the map image?

Is this image online where we too can see it. Or screen capture.
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Here's some screen shots of what's happening, I checked the floor plan file type and its a jpg. This is only happening on the floor plan that is imported from the Panotour Pro save file. Also just a note, the floorplan does show but I covered it up to avoid a privacy breach.
tempsnip.jpg (41.56 KiB) Viewed 8811 times
Here's the map properties I was talking about, no matter what color I select it stays as is.
Map1.JPG (14.6 KiB) Viewed 8811 times
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Have you tried setting alpha back to 255 to make it solid?
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