V6 to V7 conversion skin questions

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Joined: Wed Aug 09, 2017 12:42 pm

I’ve run into a couple of challenges after I converted a v6 project to v7, now using the Feather Box skin:

1. In the Components toolbox I can not find an image popup. I posted this question on the Facebook group and was told it would be found under the skin category but I could not find it there.

2. My v6 project has a number of Info Popups with a custom image specified for each. Now in v7, the custom images don’t replace the skin images. When I use the V6 skin in v7, the custom images still don't appear. All files are present and in the same place as the only change was the version update and the new skin.

3. I added a sound clip to a node, set Loop to 1 - but it doesn't play until after a click? (Not really a skin issue)

I’m probably overlooking something simple, and I will appreciate any help in getting my project back on track!!
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Hi Westlake,
The Feather Box skin comes with an image popup.
Just add a point Hotspot type Image.
The hotspot icon is a camera.

Please find attached a new feather_box.ggsk skin which has a customer node image for information point hotspots.
The skins are not finished yet so this is why some skins don't have all features, but this looks like an oversight, so thank you for the heads up.

Media with audio can not auto start, this is a browser security issue and has nothing to do with Pano2VR.
What you could do is set up a welcome screen, then the click to close this would start the audio.
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Posts: 27
Joined: Wed Aug 09, 2017 12:42 pm

Thanks, Hopki! Thanks for the solutions, much appreciated!

I totally appreciate that v7 is beta and all of the skin details aren't finished yet. I'm liking v7 and as always appreciate the excellent technical support provided!

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