difference between visible and alpha?

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To hide skin elements there are two options;

uncheck "visible" or set alpha to zero.

as the alpha gives option to slowly make things (dis-)appear (by using the transition time), i usually use that. but is there any other technical difference or reason why i should use one or the other?

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Hi David,
Some elements have an unload on hide property, for example, the external image loader.
If you set or change element Alpha then there is the possibility you will briefly see the last image loaded until the new image loads.
If you hide the external image loader then it will automatically unload the last image, so when used again to open a new image you will not see any residual images prior to the new image loading.
Of course, this can be used in conjunction with alpha.
This means you can fade in the image loader but it will just disappear on hiding with Alpha as it will hide before it can fare out.
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