Call Number Component

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Joined: Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:16 pm
Location: Layer de la Haye, Essex UK

To add to Pano2VR download the component and double click.

(7.14 KiB) Downloaded 855 times

You will be asked to select a category, the default is User Defined.
To add the component to a skin, open the components toolbox and double-click the Call Number component.
Once added to your skin the Skin Configuration button will be active.

Using the Skin Configuration button enter the number that should be dialled. Note it is better to use county codes, for example, an area code in the UK will look something like this, 01206, this would be replaced by +44 1206.

1.png (19.27 KiB) Viewed 54558 times

The component is made up of a rectangle and an SVG, so using the properties of the rectangle it is possible to change the shape using the Radius and colour using the colour picker.
For the SVG it is possible to use the Skin Editors Colour Tool to change the colour of the button graphic.
If the background rectangle is not required first move the Telephone graphic so it is now a parent element in the skins tree, then you can delete the rectangle.

How it works
The telephone graphic has a Mouse Click, Go To URL action with a Tel: URL, which opens the devices dialer app.

The component uses exposed text variables which then allows the Skin Configuration button to become active and allows easy telephone number entry.
To ensure the variable is added to the skin the rectangle element has a scaling logic block with the variable added.
This does not do anything but for the variable to be saved with the component it has to be used in a logic block.
The variable is added as soon as the component is added to the skin so deleting the rectangle if required will not cause any problems.
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