VR Panorama transitions

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Hi community, i am a “pano2vr” newbie and maybe someone of you can help me with his knowledge?

I was used to compose my virtual tours with panotour pro, and sometimes with klapty (example effect: https://www.klapty.com/tours/49045/bout ... lla-rein-1 )

I love pano2vr, but I don’t got it, how to realize the transition effect switching between panoramas. As you can see in the example, by touching the hotspot, the pano moves to the center, zoom smoothly in and switch to the next pano.
In pano2vr I’am also able to choose several transitions, but how to move to the center before switching the pano?
I will be happy to get some idea about this issue
Thx Claudio
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Hi, Claudio and welcome!

Have you already tried the option, "Zoom in to Center" for the "Before" transition effect?

If not, in the HTML5 output settings, go to the Transitions panel, and for "Before" choose, "Zoom in to Center".

I hope that's what you're looking for...
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Hi k.ary.n :D

Thank for your quick reply, yes i tried this - and actually, the "Example" VR tour, is configured like this (you can see it on "Variante 3" https://show.alpenguides.de/vergleich-der-3-varianten/ - a show room for my client).
And i guess i´am right that you mentioned the box you see in the screenshot?

The Zoom works, but not the turn to the center or, at least not a turn to the Hotspot, which i like to realize??
Thanks for you Help, Claudio
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-27 um 09.51.57.png
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-27 um 09.51.57.png (2.87 MiB) Viewed 2353 times
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Hi Claudio,
You can use a combination of the effects.
The first example gives a faster transition with no delay, so crossfades while zooming.

1.png (46.38 KiB) Viewed 2341 times
1.gif (1.37 MiB) Viewed 2341 times

The next has a duration time of 1 second.

2.png (46.04 KiB) Viewed 2341 times
2.gif (2 MiB) Viewed 2341 times

The last example has "wait" selected so it will complete the transition before zooming in again.

3.png (46.72 KiB) Viewed 2341 times
3.gif (3.36 MiB) Viewed 2341 times

Note, I am using Zoom to centre, so on mouse click of the hotspot, the panorama just zooms in, with the other setting, "Zoom In", it would zoom towards the hotspot, so if it was slightly lower, it would zoom in and down.
Of course, if the nodes were 3 to 5 meters apart this would give you a sense of moving forward.
Have a play with the settings and see what you can do.
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Hi Hopki, ....i struggled all the time with "zoom in to center" but your last sentence explained it just: ""Zoom In", it would zoom towards the hotspot" - my customer like to have first this small turning towards the hotspot :D
Thanks a lot!!
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Hi, Claudio.

You've meant not to zoom to the viewport center, but rather to zoom to the hotspot's location before transitioning, right?

If so, you can add a Move to View action to the hotspot template and dynamically load the hotspot's position using the placeholders, $(hap) and $(hat).(https://ggnome.com/doc/placeholders-list/#hotspots).

Tony Redhead has a nice tutorial about this: https://tonyredhead.com/pano2vr-little- ... to-hotspot

And another tutorial from Hopki: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=13079
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Jip, exactly, - „zoom towards“,
thanks for the tutorial 👍😁
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