Fuzzy floor plan bug

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Posts: 31
Joined: Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:54 pm

I'm remaking a project and have problems getting a clear floor plan when using 'simple floor plan' option. Regression tests show the bug appears to have been introduced between V6.1.1pro and 6.1.3pro and is still present in 6.1.11pro. Looks OK if I dont use simple floor plan, but this is a bit more messy.

Test project attached.

pano2vr6.0.6.jpg (363.69 KiB) Viewed 3274 times
pano2vr6.1.11.jpg (326.41 KiB) Viewed 3274 times
Many thanks for great product.
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for me it looks as if the bad has a low resolution picture. Try to reload it with the high resolution one.

greetings from germany
Christian Stüben
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My initial thoughts too, but this is exactly the same project and support files. All that changed between the shots was that the p2vr file was opened with a different version of Pano2VR and recompiled.
FYI here are the results of regression testing (in order of the tests):
6.1.11 BAD
6.1.10 BAD
6.0.6 GOOD
6.1.1 GOOD
6.1.4 BAD (reported errors during compilation)
6.1.8 BAD
6.1.3 BAD
6.1.1 GOOD

The following fixes are mentioned in the release note of 6.1.3 and may be relevant:


* Low-resolution floor plans used within the Map Element in Simple Floor Plan mode will no longer show as a broken image

* A floor plan added to the Tour Map before adding nodes will no longer disappear
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Hmmm, now it looks as if i should take my near vision goggles (oops, right word? Nahsichtbrille) and have a look at my own floorplans whether they are shown crystal clear or out-of-focus :lol:
Christian Stüben
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I had a similar problem here:

Not 100% your scenario but maybe same root cause?

There seem to be some bad upscaling by Pano2VR in some cases. In my case I was using a floorplan place holder in skin with 400x400px and the floorplan JPGs/PNGs were 400x375 and 423x400.
I found a folder ..images\maptiles\FloorPlan01\7 that contains a 256x256px version of the floorplan that were looking very soft -> the version used?
I fixed that by manually upscaling the floorplan JPGs to 533x500 and 540x500 with external editor. Then output was sharp for me.

Is your floorplan in the skin editor bigger in size than the floorplan JPGs?
Maybe Pano2VR is doing some (bad) upscaling in case the floorplan in skin is bigger than the floorplan images (JPG/PNG)?

kind regards
Posts: 31
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I had some issues with large floor plans in 6.1 beta 3 - see posting.php?mode=edit&f=6&p=58342. For the moment I will work with 6.1.1 which has the features I need. At least its reproducible. I have uploaded a test project for the developers to work with.

Posts: 31
Joined: Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:54 pm

This was caused by a bug that only affected certail specific configurations(eg floor plan > 1000pixels and non-retina screen). Its fixed in version 6.1.12.
Thanks Hopki and other gnomes.
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