Duplicate Panorama/Node

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So I've got an artist's trail VT with around 40 artists in, and each have a lot of information in the user data area.
Pretty much using every field available there for info that's included in various menu's...

Issue I have is, each artists has around 4 or 5 pieces of art within the tour (separate photo's) and I need all that user data in each node.

Is there any way to copy paste/duplicate a node so that it retains all that info so I don't have to manually input it around 200 times.

PLEASE GOD! (haha)

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Hi Andy,
The User Data text entry fields have a copy button on the ends.
Select one you have filled out, then select the nodes that need the same date and use the copy button, it will copy that User Data file to all selected nodes.
If All node of the tour can have the same data, then use the Master Node, or as it is called in the User Data edit project User Data.
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Thanks Hopki,

Unfortunately the info isn't being copied across to all nodes, just 5 or 6 for each artist. So there's 40 artists total each with completely different information, and each artists has 5 or 6 nodes that all need the exact same info.

So ideally, I would get all my info into the artists first node, duplicate that 5 or 6 times and just replace the source image in each.
Is that not possible?
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As Hopki mentioned, just select the 5 or 6 nodes you want to copy to; when you click on the "copy {field value} to all nodes" you will get a dialog box that says "Do you want to copy to all nodes in the tour or just the currently selected nodes?". Then choose "Selected Nodes"

Tony Redhead | Panoramic Photographer | mobile: +61438501002 | website: https://tonyredhead.com - https://redsquare.com | Pano2VR Tutorials: https://tonyredhead.com/pano2vr | instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonyredhead/
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Ah crap! I do apologise, I completely misread Hopki's answer :oops:
Ok, this is officially a life saver!

Thank you :)
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