Three more drop down menus

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Hey guys,
This drop down menu is exactly what I need, but I can't seem to get it to work. I have one panoramic and two object VRs that I would like to link together as a tour, just like the sample. I followed the instructions, but when I click the drop downs nothing opens. I have the three swf images in a folder on my desktop and I tried several ways of entering the URL and nothing seems to work. I also tried this using point hot spots and was surprised that it actually worked fine going from the object to the panorama, but when I hit the hotspot going from the panorama to the object everything locks up.

I've been searching the forums for similar topics, but haven't found a solution.

Attached is a screen shot of what I entered in the skin editor.

Any help would be appreciated...
Button Menu.jpg
Button Menu.jpg (112.85 KiB) Viewed 30038 times
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Cant remember was this ever answered ?
Seem to remember a PM but could be wrong.
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I've been paying with the expand menu in P2VR 4.5 and it is working like a charm in flash, however I am not able to reach the submenus in HTML5.
I tried to change the script from 'mouse enter' to mouse click' on the menu_select_* element, but to no avail.

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

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Please disregard my last post.

Mouse-click does work....

(O boy, I am feeling stupid right now... :oops: )
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Hmm, it seems that I do have a few questions about the expand menu after all.

1. There is some odd behavior, most probably I do overlook something obvious, but this is the problem:
I thought that in order to set a expanded menu without an active menu item it should be sufficient to set the scaling of the menu_active item to 0.00/0.00. However this won't work with a menu that I created by copy and paste. Stetting the first menu item to 0/0 won't get rid of the 'o' active marker.

2. In HTML5 I created a 'mouse_leave' action on the 'rooms_•' element to make the submenu disappear on my iPad after selecting a menu item.
When testing this it works fine on the iPhone/iPad but not on a HTML5 OSX machine. When the mouse enters the spacing between the menu-items the menu disappears, although the action is not associated wit the individual menu items, but with the rooms_• container.

Can someone please enlighten me?


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I have a little problem with the given skins. I adjusted the "dropdown_menue_simple" skin and extended it to 3 menus. However, I have the problem that the "active_marker" in menueC is not displayed. I played around a bit and found that the small round dot is displayed at the beginning, but once the "menuC_active_" elements have been scaled to 0, they are no longer visible. Is it because there are so many elements? In addition, elements that were once scaled to 0 with the address "menuC_active _. *" Can not be made visible again.

I attached the .ggsk below.
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Nobody an idea?
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I'm taking a look at the skin but I'm not really sure what your issue is.

If I open live preview I can see the three menus 02.04.2019, 29.04.2019 and 12.07.2019 (Menu A, B & C)

If I open all menus 02.04.2019 has a circle next to EG nord-ost, none in Menu B and one in Menu C in the first entry EG süd. If I click in Menu C on additional fields the circles appear however if I click in an entry in Menu A or B all of the circles in Menu C disappear. Is this the issue you are having?

Pic 1. All menus open

grab79.jpg (163.33 KiB) Viewed 26835 times

Pic 2. Click in Menu A and circle in Menu C disappears

grab80.jpg (161.95 KiB) Viewed 26835 times

Tony Redhead | Panoramic Photographer | mobile: +61438501002 | website: - | Pano2VR Tutorials: | instagram:
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Hello, how can I add more menu items? If I copy and paste them the new one appears somewhere in the middle of the screen. I need about 10 items.
Thanks, Marcel
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Hi Hopki and others , I am new with Pano2VR. I downloaded the dropdown_menu_simple.ggsk. Added some items to the menu but: on the actionpanel I can go to next panorama. I want to go to a specific panorama, how do I do that? Thanks for tour help
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Very nice drop down menus Hopki - especially the "dropdown menu expand".

I stumbled across a similar drop "down menu expand" with a couple of extra "points of difference" that I like. I was hoping for some direction on how to implement these if possible.

(1) Transparent Buttons
(2) Node Image attached next to active menu button (image acts as link to node)

Any assistance is greatly appreciated


Dropdown Menu Example.jpg
Dropdown Menu Example.jpg (235.68 KiB) Viewed 21731 times
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