file not found replacement dialogue -> doesn't show SVG

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When i change name or re-locate some SVG files, and open Pano2VR again so it can re-link, i found that it shows/can reconnect to "images", but not SVG, so i need to manually enter and replace those. a small bug? (windows 10)
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This doesn't answer your question, but asks another: are you using SVG elements embedded in your skin.js file?

They're stored by default (up to 10000 bytes) in skin.js, encoded as base64 text; which is then decoded into the SVG format, which is then interpreted before being displayed.

As well as needing more data for buffers and time to decode, I find my embedded hotspots show up before anything else does on the screen (using Lite, so no Transitions, not even the broken ones) floating in space while I wait for everything else to load.

Here's a small Up arrow:

D=n._up__img=document.createElement("img")).className="ggskin ggskin_svg",t="",n._up__img.setAttribute("src",t),D.setAttribute("style","position: absolute;top: 0px;left: 0px;width: 100%;height: 100%;-webkit-user-drag:none;pointer-events:none;;")

Do you think that's going to be small and quick to load/interpret and display?

Do this to have your SVG buttons exported as PNGs, where they'll be less than half the filesize and loaded and displayed like everything else. If you have them at a large enough size for your standard display, 1920x1080? then they'll look identical. They'd also digitally upscale perfectly well to 4k etc. for futureproofing, as well as down-scaling for mobiles etc. You probably have most of your other graphics/images as PNGs anyway, so there is no measurable advantage in having a few buttons be drawn as scalable, when they contain fiddly, intricate details that take more data to describe how to draw, than a simple PNG needs to store the final image.
buttons.jpg (36.28 KiB) Viewed 1892 times
The only advantage of having everything (larger than 10000 bytes) stored as embedded data in skin.js is the ability to swap skins about between projects, but how often do you do that? Create the Output files, then upload those that are generated in the Images folder. Not much more effort than uploading the single skin.js file, but that file itself will be small, slim and fast.

Got identical up/down/left right arrows? Why store 4 SVG text versions? Take one of the PNGs you just exported and replace the SVG versions with one arrow, rotated to the 4 directions and then reexport that as a single PNG. On mobile platforms especially: every little helps with slimming down data usage and RAM requirements.

You can also just upload different button PNG images - if they're all the same size - to change the style of a panorama, instead of a whole new skin.js.

If you want to see what the SVG files look like individually, and also(?!) have them generated, then don't select the 'Convert SVG to PNG' option. It will still generate the PNG files (because, of course it does.... :? ) but also SVG versions of them, at twice the filesize. These are what ( I think) is being encoded as the text example above.
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that's indeed not really touching the question, maybe i wasn't clear enough..

my point is, if you change, rename or move original graphic files you used in a project, and then open Pano2VR, it will notice the files are missing and pop up a dialogue to ask about the new location. in this "file type setting" the SVG isn't enabled, so you don't see them in the explorer screen.
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deedee123 wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 12:13 pm that's indeed not really touching the question, maybe i wasn't clear enough..

my point is, if you change, rename or move original graphic files you used in a project, and then open Pano2VR, it will notice the files are missing and pop up a dialogue to ask about the new location. in this "file type setting" the SVG isn't enabled, so you don't see them in the explorer screen.
No idea, sorry. Don't really have that problem, as using SVGs in the final project is a waste of data and time. Export from the skin as PNGs which end up in the images folder. Upload them with everything else. Done.

They, like embedding data inefficiently in the skin.js file, are a solution looking for a problem that largely doesn't exist. "Ooh! Scalable buttons that are larger and slower to draw than a PNG that looks identical. :lol: "
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it's not about the export. and nothing to do with any setting of skin, export, or anything like that.
it's about the files you use when you build a project. if you change, rename or move one of your source graphics, Pano2VR asks for the new location when you open that project. in this file dialogue, you have no option to see SVG files.
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deedee123 wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 4:26 pm it's not about the export. and nothing to do with any setting of skin, export, or anything like that.
it's about the files you use when you build a project. if you change, rename or move one of your source graphics, Pano2VR asks for the new location when you open that project. in this file dialogue, you have no option to see SVG files.
Oh, right. I've had that when I deleted an older skin.ggsk file, then opened an older pano that used it. Double clicking on it tried to let me browse to where it might be , but I ignored that and selected a newer skin file anyway.

If double-clicking to browse for where your SVG's new location is doesn't work for you: could be a bug.
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Hi, Dave.

You're right. I can reproduce this and have reported it.
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