
Q&A about the latest versions
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I'm currently trying to build a sort of quiz in order to gamify a tour. The idea would be to ask the user several questions, who will have to find and match one single polygon hotspot each time - such as "What tool do scientists use to observe a fish sample?" and the user should click a microscope hotspot. Each of the question will be asked one after each other, and each answer linked to one specific poly hotspot.

For the moment, I have managed to build the following test, making good use of patches, variables, logic blocks, as I have been able to learn from these excellent recent webinars available on Pano2vr site (many thanks Hopki, very useful stuff).


However, I've only been able to figure out how to count each hotspot clicked (counted with a variable). Once all 3 are clicked, the reward is a popup with some video. However, this solution doesn't prevent the user from clicking twice on one same hotspot, therefore reaching the value of 3 before all 3 hotspots are found... far from perfect...

Wondering if any of you has had some experience quizifying a tour, in particular asking several questions sequentially, with one specific polygon associated to each good answer?
Also keen to hear if you found another nice way to quizzify a tour.

Looking forward to get any view/idea on that.

Many thanks
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In my quiz I solved as follows:
I used point hs and enabled 3D distortion.
For each hs I setup a unique variable (vis_hs_quiz_01), and when clicking the hs this variable is set to false.
So, the hs is not visible anymore and cannot be clicked anymore.

This is only one way to solve, but maybe you can adapt that way for using with poly hs

Of course I could have done it the simple way and set the visibility of the hs to invisible, if hs is clicked, but I needed a simple was to reset.
So I choosed the complex method for my many hs...
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Thanks for your feedback

I thought of doing one variable per Hotspot but then you would have to define one distinct hs in the skin for each poly hs of your pano?
Unless you use some of the hs fields to store the variable name?
Curious to know how you did...
Would you have a link to your tour?

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Also does anyone know if it is possible to deactivate a poly hs after click? I tried but unsuccessfully... pity as it would solve my issue of several click on the same hs...
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Hi ,
as my really big tour (including a search- and quizgame) is still not approved for publishing, I can send you a private link to the preview by pn, if you want.

For hiding polys:
In the actions you can find under player settings, the change poly modes "show and hide one". There you can enter the IDs

I did not test that, but I guess this is the way to got, if you use this solution.
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Ok I’ll try to look for these player settings, thanks.

Interested to see your tour if that is possible through PM, that could give me some good ideas :-)
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Thanks, I just have sent an EMail to you via the forum-software.
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