How to make pinned video click to start?

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I have a pinned video hotspot in my panorama. I have the Click Mode set to Play/Pause. The problem is the video auto-plays. I can pause and play which is great, but I do not want the video to start until I click on it.

How is this best accomplished?


- Kevin
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Hi Kevin,
Set the videos loop to -1.
This will open with the video stopped.
0 = loop forever with auto start
Then you can have number of loops with auto start.
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Thank you Hopki - that did the trick!
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Hello Hopki,
With a pinned video there is a way to make the video appear initially stopped and when clicked it will loop through until clicked again.

I have been able to recreate the behavior by adding a pinned image (to be able to control the distortion of the button and match it with that of the video) and define a hotspot through the skin editor that controls both, the play of the video and the visibility of the pinned image, but you have to go around a lot to get something that could be as video control options.

It would be cool if the pinned video options allowed to add different custom buttons for different video states (Play, pause, return to start, etc.) that allow you to control the video, without having to create these simple actions using the Skin Editor.

Do you plan to expand the options of these elements in future versions?

Still, it's really cool to be able to control it from the Skin Editor, which is where I see the power of the software residing.
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