pano.isComplete() - Help

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Isaac Brown
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Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:55 pm
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Hi guys, another question coming through!

Can anyone shed some light on how I can get the pano.isComplete() API command to work?

Im trying to put this in an IF statement so when the panorama is 100% loaded a fullscreen element on top fades out.

Thanks in advance!
Isaac / IBCreative
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Isaac Brown
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Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:55 pm
Location: Australia

I still cannot seem to get this to fire. If anyone can provide the right direction that would be :wink:
Isaac / IBCreative
Posts: 47
Joined: Mon Nov 30, 2015 4:34 pm

Does it throw an error in the console? Maybe you can try adding an action to any element in the skin editor and make it call an external function.

Source: Init (Init fires when the pano tour is loaded first time. It does not wait for tiles to be loaded though. Maybe try Loaded or Loaded levels)
Action: Go to URL
Url: javascript:myFunction();

Ah, the newest version has a 'Tiles ready' action just noticed this :D
If you set that on the fader element you can say Url: javascript:myFunction(this); to pass the fader element directly into your function (assuming it is an element made within the skin editor)
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