Lost keyboard control

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Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2018 5:22 pm
Location: Nanaimo, BC and Portland OR

I was able to control this tour http://tour.awden.com/234a7 using the arrow keys.

I must have accidentally changed something but cannot figure out what because now I can move the panos using the mouse but not with the keyboard.

I have tried to compare my tour to other samples that do have keyboard control but I cannot figure out what is different.

Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Dennis Frost
Awden Photography - http://Awden.com

Virtual tour samples: http://bit.ly/PaintedBoat, http://bit.ly/ShelterPoint, https://roundme.com/embed/hB6FOhIv0JvPfnQhk0F2
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Hi Dennis!
I assume you built that output with the V6 beta, right?
Because with V6 we've removed keyboard control from the player itself - BUT you now have the option to add a keyboard key to each element in the skin editor (under the 'Advanced' properties). The keyboard key will then trigger mouse clicked/pressed/down/up actions of that element, if it has those.
The Silhouette_V6 skin we provided with the first beta does not have keyboard support yet, but with the next beta release it will.
If you need keyboard support right now, you could add that to your skin yourself.
Since your skin has no buttons to pan/tilt the panorama, there are no buttons to assign the arrow keys to. So you would have to add some elements to your skin which have actions to pan & tilt. I suggest just using containers (because they are invisible), make them permeable (also in the 'Advanced' setting), so they cannot be clicked accidentally, and give them mouse-click actions to pan & tilt - and also assign the arrow keys to them.

I hope this helps...
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Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2018 5:22 pm
Location: Nanaimo, BC and Portland OR

Thanks Christoph, I thought I was going nuts!

I do think giving this control to the tour designer is great.

Dennis Frost
Awden Photography - http://Awden.com

Virtual tour samples: http://bit.ly/PaintedBoat, http://bit.ly/ShelterPoint, https://roundme.com/embed/hB6FOhIv0JvPfnQhk0F2
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