Responsive Map

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Hi - I've got Pano2vr Pro version - and I've opened my old v4 files in it and re-exported them in html5, so the panos are all lovely - but my map on the skin isn't!

On mobiles it isn't scalable, so the tour map is a bit offputting!

I was hoping to start with a map - then the user clicks on a panorama node and can have a look around - but when they click back to the map - on a phone etc - it's not scalable.

Is there an easy way to do this - OR - is there a size that the map should be to make it work on phones?

Then, when I solve this one - I need to find out how to have popups on the map (in the skin) offer a video or photo gallery as well as the 360?

Can this be done?

Thanks in advance.
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You could make a smaller version of the map and add it into your skin. Then untick its visibility and use logic block: Is mobile = 1 to set the visibility to true. This should make the smaller map visible on mobile. You have to do this for the map container though to hide/show all the map spots also. Do the same to the bigger version of the map but hide it on mobile.

I hope this helps
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Ah - that's a good idea - but I'm not sure a smaller version would help - as it's a labelled graphic with 20+ nodes....

Thinking about it - if I made the map a moveable object - that people could click and drag - that would presumably solve the initial bout of my woes!

Is this an easy thing to do?

I remember creating multimedia packages in Macromedia Director - and that was as straightforward as ticking a box to make an item draggable!
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Have a look at this forum thread: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=11710#p48283
This talks about making a map responsive.
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Is it possible to make the map image a percentage of the screen size? so say it's 80% of the screen - whatever it is being viewed in?
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Sadly not as as the map pins will then not be in the correct location.
Just adding say two screen widths should be easy enough, so one for phones, one for tablets and then the default for computers.
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Hi Hopki,

I've got my head around the logic blocks - and so when the screen is smaller than say 1024 then it displays at .7 of the scale - and hides some of the buttons and this is all working perfectly for me now...

BUT... I was looking at my map and if I shrink it further to fit a phone, the labels will become too small to be legible on the graphic.

And I notice when testing it - I can zoom in and out of the panorama with my fingers on the phone - but I can't zoom in and out of the map graphic.

Why is that?

PS - Thanks for all your help so far!
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You could maybe do the map as a flat panorama and have it as a node like the other panos.
But If the map is a skin element, it sounds like you may need to reinvent the way you present it on mobile. Can you divide it into smaller sections that would fit a phone screen?
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Once the screen gets below a certain size make the map fill the window then add a mouse click hide self action when you select a map pin.
Or fill the screen with thumbnails.
As a thought.
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