Panorama Flash API

Specific Q&A about the new Flash export
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I have problem to use this function in my case.

What is "rect" and fov? How do you suggest to use it?

Thanks for the answer.

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Chief Gnome
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atreiu wrote: What is "rect" and fov? How do you suggest to use it?
Thanks for the answer.
rect is a rectangle object for the panorama window on screen, fov is the current field of view. You can get this with vr.pano.getFov() .
MfG, Thomas
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ok thanks

Now I get it :)
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Hello. I don't speak English, but i have a question!!!
1. why when i load pano.swf in container.swf quality rotation become is much lower!!! may be wrong expose fps?
2. After compiling swf in Pano2VR (cube faces) and load in container.swf, quality for all virtual tur become is much lower (see on picture). why?
example distortion container clip, after load pano.swf and rotation
example distortion container clip, after load pano.swf and rotation
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Chief Gnome
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vopros wrote: 2. After compiling swf in Pano2VR (cube faces) and load in container.swf, quality for all virtual tur become is much lower (see on picture). why?
This is the "Change stage quality" setting. If you disable that check box the quality will stay the same (and the pano will be a little bit slower).
MfG, Thomas
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where i can find this check box (see img)?
I think, what it mistake compiling, because then i open-close (without change) settings form and create pano.swf all ОК!
But me more disturb what after loading pano.swf in to container.swf movement pano.swf not smothness!!! it brake.
Can you write system requirement (minimum, recommendedadvisable) for comfort viewing pano.swf:
- processor;
- memory...
where checkbox?
where checkbox?
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Chief Gnome
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The check box is in Pano2VR....
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I can not write down any system specs because there are too many things that have an influence. Best way is to simple test it.
MfG, Thomas
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thank you for reply.
When i disable checkbox quality rotation pano.swf in virtual tur - very bad! look the example.
In Pano2QTVR not problem such as this.
how i can perfect quality view pano without worsen all virtual tur? give me advice.
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i find the way, but it no so good.
Possible use raster images for scheme virtual tur (It not distortion).
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HI! im new here, I´m using the API but I have a problem: when I specify the swf file that I want to use, the result is a blank screen, I can only use the files that comes with the source code (park, fountain, pavilion, etc) not mine ones. some ideas?
