Advice on using and managing skins, please

Special forum to share and discuss skins for Pano2VR and Object2VR
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I am slowly improving my understanding of the whole concept of a skin, and that has prompted me to take a pause and think about the best way for me to proceed with making widgets for my iBook. My understanding is that in my case I will have a project for each image/widget (I'm not linking images in any way).

1. I learned that the information text in a skin (e.g., info_text_body in simplex_v5_autohide.ggsk) is a property of the skin rather than the project, with the result that any text you place in it shows up again when I try to build a widget for the next image. The text is image-specific, so this outcome is not what I want/need. I guess that also means that this text will be the same for all images in a single project. I guess I misunderstood, and therefore misused this field.
  • Is it true that anything you can change in the skin editor is a property of the skin, implying that I have to put image-specific stuff somewhere else?
  • Where should I put image-specific text to make it a property of the project (and therefore, in my case, the image)?
  • What is the intended purpose of the text field info_text_body in simplex_v5_autohide.ggsk?
2. I'm still feeling my way, learning by modifying copies of some of the built-in skins. I'm going to get myself into a terrible muddle unless I can find a methodical way to manage the changes I make. The changes arise from the fact that many of the buttons in the built-in skins are redundant in the iBooks environment - for example, you don't need the movemode and fullscreen buttons, and the pan, zoom buttons are irrelevant on touchscreen devices. I know can make them go away by making them invisible, but now I have to remember that I did that, and I know I'm going to forget quite quickly. This problem will become more tricky for me as I make more changes such as scaling buttons in response to display size. Ideally I want to stick with just one skin; any more, and it will become a nightmare trying to keep them consistent and current.
  • Any suggestions for a smart way to proceed, please?
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Hi Lionel,
The information popup takes its title and body text from a point hotspot as set in the hotspot viewer mode.
So just add a point hotspot, set info as type and type in the title and use the description text area for the body text.

Why not make your own skin?
Open new skin and save it as iBook.
Then you can then open one of the pre packed skins and copy the buttons you would like to use.
Then open your skin and copy then in.

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Joined: Tue Jan 31, 2017 9:08 am

I guess I'm headed that way, somewhat reluctantly.

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