Using Flash panos in Adobe Animate project

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Has anyone else experienced an issue when incorporating their panorama swf files into an Adobe Animate (Flash) project?

I am developing an Air for Desktop project on mac using Adobe Animate for release on PC in an exhibition environment.

My project requires access to 5 panoramas from a menu. I am loading and closing the panos as per the guidelines here:, however after accessing the panoramas 5, 6, 7 times, the program either crashes (by first coming out of full screen mode to window mode) or not loading the panorama image but loading some elements of the skin.

I have checked that the actionscript I use in relation to the panoramas is weakly referenced and removed, and also checked that any instances I add are removed when I remove the panoramas. I'm wondering if there is maybe something in the script of the panorama swfs themselves that is not being cleared properly?

I tried loading html files that link to the swfs with better results but I would prefer not to add an extra layer.

Any help or suggestions much appreciated.
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Just guessing:
does PanoVR maintain a 'Cache or Temp file' folder. Maybe you exceeded Cache memory spooled RAM available on your computer or video card RAM.
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Joined: Fri Jul 29, 2016 10:01 pm

I don't know - didn't see any mention of that in the guidelines for interacting with the swf exports. The problem does seem to be memory related though.
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