Something gone wrong

Q&A about the latest release Version
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Hi everybody!

I've been using pano2qtvr for 2 months nby now, but now something has gone wrong. It doesn't create the mov file and the cube faces. Now I'm only using the free wrsion, but this isn't the rason for it, I guess. I have a win2k, with the service pack 4. I asked my friends what they use, what can be the problem. Probably something has gone wrong with my OP system, but I don't really know. Everthing is working well, I can't see any diference. When I downloaded first, was good, worked well, but now, it freezes, when I try to create the cube faces (somehow I managed to create my last projects cube faces, but from that point, I can't do anything, I can't create the MOV file) it freezes, It reads the jpeg format, and afterwards nothing, when creating the mov from the cubes it reads the cubes and thats all. Any idea? I tried all versions, but nothing. I have a reistered version (I've won at the Sziget2006 festival), but I think It wont solve my problem. I tried, what If I am using the trial version, so I sent my request for the serial, but nothing happens. Maybe the XP will solve the problem? If yes, how was I able to create my old QTVRs?

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Chief Gnome
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I checked the latest version 1.5.0beta2 with Windows 2000 + QuickTime 6.5.2 and everything works fine. Did you use PanoTools pano12.dll? Maybe disable it in the menu "Pano2QTVR" and uncheck "Use PanoTools, if available" and try it again.

Why don't you enter the pro Key? The key doesn't get destroyed or something. If you setup a new system you can enter it again.
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Hi Thomas!

Thanks very much, I have used with pano12.dll
and how about the interpolators? I have downloaded the pano12.dll patch (2.8 version) and I thought this will solve my problem. I tried older versions, but enabled the pano12.dll always was... Thank you very much.
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Chief Gnome
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There are some incompatible versions floating around because they changed the interface of the DLL (don't ask me why...) so I didn't found the time to code a work around.

The Interpolators are all in the main program so you don't loose quality if you don't use the pano12.dll. The DLL is only usefull for special cases (HDR, MDR images)
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Hi Thomas,
btw: what´s your advice? Which option might be better (speed, quality)?
Use panotools (2.8.0 in my case) or build-in machine (interpolators) ?
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Chief Gnome
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The built in interpolators should be faster so if you don't need the PanoTools, disable it.
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Wow! Only three minutes to receice an answer.
Thank you. Klaus