V5 feedback + bugs (?)

Special forum to share and discuss skins for Pano2VR and Object2VR
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Posts: 158
Joined: Sat May 09, 2009 11:43 am

This is cool! Looks like LR, keyboard-geeks are not forgoten :D

Though, I have some questions & comlpains:

skin editor

1) I cant get the consept of allignment - relative (%%) position seams to be absolute - despite parent's element position, but the size DO consider parent's size! Good news are in proper work despite digits that one can see in the Skin editor

2) BUG: I create new skin, add a container with 5:5% position and 90:90% size, ann a rectangle, make rect a child of the container, try to spesify rect size and pos in %% and have the problem: I cant delete hundredths! it is always 5,01 instead of 5,00. Moreover: if I try to delete tenths - it unexpectedly turns into 1 from zero and becomes 5,11 :)

3) BUG: two times I had floating bug: I could not swith pos/size from pixels to %%. Reboot helped in the first time and kiling suspicious process helped in the second time. If I figure out how to repeat it - I'll let you know.
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HI Mqdholl,
Which version are you using, V5 final, 5.0.0?
Garden Gnome Support
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Version: 5.0 64bit
Revision: 12111/5.5.1
Build date: Feb 24 2016, 13:34:32

Win 7-64
Last edited by Mdholl on Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 158
Joined: Sat May 09, 2009 11:43 am

4) transisions: I see somthing like
while taste official demo http://ggnome.com/samples/pano2vr_5/tower/
when click on a node-hotspot...

I am sure that it is HTML5.
win7 -64
G-chrome 48.0.2564.116 m

I see it on two different PCs (at home and at work).
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5) output...
not sure that it is related to skins, but...
Your demo https://ggnome.com/samples/pano2vr_5/tower/ has a little bit more complex content than default html templates. Namely it have a "code" to determ what will be used - flash or html5...
I would be happy to have a general solution for my panorama that would garantee demonstration on ANY device and ANY browser...
krpano has somthing like that.

For now I have to borrow some one elses code or write it by myself.
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6) productivity in html5 VS flash
I really have no idea about what is happening in different browsers but there are stunning differences in player productivity and reliability...
There is an example https://ggnome.com/samples/pano2vr_5/tower/ that behaves nasty in, for instance, yandex_browser.
This browser is castrated version of google chrome (pice of ....btw). Since it take some part of traffic, I have to take it into account. And you could try to figure out what is the problem here and how can you fix it... I really hope so :)

I expect you, dear gnomes, to install it on win 7 mashine and run https://ggnome.com/samples/pano2vr_5/tower/ though it.
What I see is absence of response on mouse drugging _sometimes_.
https://browser.yandex.com/ (or google it)
I think that flash version of the same tour should be ran in such conditions.

would be glad to help you even through ammy_admin or somth like that :)

UPD: it seams to be an issue of the gg_html5_player :(
I tried krpano on the same browser - it has no such problem:
1) open the yandex_browser
2) open browser://plugins/ in it and switch off flash
3) open somthing on krpano. I tested http://www.slav-dom.ru/Showroom_Moscow/
4) press Control+O - it shows info about player (wether it is html5 or flash)

PS: I am sorry for discassing competitors, but I am sure that gnomes win! :D
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